forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@larcenistarsonist group

Me after posting to a rp: … I just posted. They're online… where are they? Do they hate it and not want to respond?! WHAT THE HECK IT'S BEEN FIVE MINUTES WHY HASN'T ANYBODY RESPONDED!?!? THEY'RE ALL ONLINE WTH ARE THEY DOING???

Me seeing a new post in a rp: Eh, I'll respond later.


Me, practically hyperfixating on an rp: they’re online, why haven’t they responded? Do they hate me? They’ve responded in their other rps ahhhhhhh. Afraid to bump but also really wanting to bump. …. bumps it wow I’m so annoying they must hate me

Me with any of my other rps: ummmm….I’ll answer that laterrrrrrr proceeds to lose motivation entirely

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mhm… Really, it's important I do, but I'm still planning everything out. I might just to an email, it'll genuinely help…
But also, after a Trans Bad, Don't Respect Pronouns (I wrote it down in a discord server) talk my father got me this


I love that you're taking time to plan things out. Coming out is wild, but coming out to religious parents is even more wild- being scared is very understandable. When I'm scared about certain interactions, I try to remember whatever happens, happens. Whatever happens today cannot and will not be the end. ~Go with the flow my guy~
We're here for you no matter how it goes. If your parents would appreciate any religious LGBT material, I'm your guy (well, I know two good ones). Good luck!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Guys, I… I'm so terrified. Could ya'll please read over what I wrote?

@The-Magician group

Yeah, I hate when people don’t completely read through something :/

someone gets it!
Back when I was in college, I wrote out a massive message to my mum and she skipped over most of it…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

He looked t me when he saw the title and said in the most condescending tone
"What are you, gay?" and I'm like "Dad please just read it" and he's like "Seriously what is this" and I'm like "Dad please just read it" So he read it and he hasn't said anything about it since and I have no idea what to feel