forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

holyyyy shit holy shit holy shit

i was just working on one of the pages on my neocities website and the whole thing fuckin CRASHED
i tried refreshing and i got logged out, tried signing back in and was told my login details were invalid
its like my account disappeared into the fucking void
i sent a message to their support contact and am now anxiously waiting for a response
all of that work, all that code, more than a month's work of just that- all just gone
i want to cry but i'm too shocked to do so
this doesnt affect any of you, it doesnt really have anything to do with chat, and you all could care less i know but i just feel like a bottomless pit opened in my stomach and my heart and lungs fell down into it and i would really appreciate a little comfort right about now


Idk what a neocity is but you were obviously devoted to your work and that's something very admirable. I'm sorry it all disappeared. I believe that if you put that much work into it before, you will definitely be able to rebuild (if you choose to).

@probablypolnareff language

gonna slide this here since i feel confident enough to share this with the world
i didn't realize how pretty this one girl in my english class was until today
i dunno what it is abt her , but i looked at her and her camera was accidentally on and something about her struck a chord in my heart so now i'm questioning my own sexuality hbhdejbjhe

@larcenistarsonist group

Last night I barged into my lil sister's room and announced "I'm here, I'm queer, and I want to disappear."

And she just looked at me for a while and went back to her manga and said "mood tho"

@larcenistarsonist group

Yeah, it's kinda little-kid-ish because in all honesty it's really stupid XD
The characters are pretty cool though except for the mcs they're total mary sues like the S4 and the X-Blood. They're cool.
I also have thousand of headcanons I press onto them… most of them are real angsty just cuz I can :P

@spacebluelily language


I have no idea what I got for my Spanish final
I do know what I got for my Theatre final tho
A 98%
Honestly, I was more terrified for the Theatre final than the Spanish one