forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I was like "I should draw Eret in a dress, I have a few good color schemes" and now my brain is overflowing with ideas
I think I'll do something cottagecore next, then steampunk, then maybe something piratey


Tomorrow is when I should find out if my life is going to collapse a month after Christmas or if I’ll be closeted until I move out
I’m a little stressed but I’ve found a group to vent to and honestly, even if the worst case scenario occurs and I end up going to conversion therapy, I think I can make it through. It’s going to all be okay, but damn it’s not going to be easy


Tomorrow is when I should find out if my life is going to collapse a month after Christmas or if I’ll be closeted until I move out
I’m a little stressed but I’ve found a group to vent to and honestly, even if the worst case scenario occurs and I end up going to conversion therapy, I think I can make it through. It’s going to all be okay, but damn it’s not going to be easy

i'm really sorry to hear that. let me know if you need anything. we're all here for you!


Alright, had my session and it turns out things aren’t that simple
I sent this to a group DM so some of you probably already saw it but -

Alright, this isn’t related to current conversation but I have a huge decision coming up within the next month or so and I need advice.
So, my therapist wants me to come out, and I can’t decide if I should or not.
On one hand, if I come out, I’m going to have to face the consequences. I might lose my real-life friendships, my parents are never going to look at me the same way again, I’m always gonna be that child that fell down the wrong path and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
I won’t end up in conversion therapy, she not-so-straight up said that no credible therapist should even consider letting their patients endure such a thing, so that’s no longer a fear. But there is another group that isn’t conversion therapy that she’s recommending, and I don’t know whether to trust it or not. She says it’s not supposed to make me bottle or cure any emotions, but to help me accept both them and the faith, although still from the perspective of it being sinful. She says it could be a great opportunity to make friends with the same struggles, but I have a feeling it’s not gonna be as healthy as she claims.
So that’s all extremely scary. But on the other hand, if I wait until I’ve moved out I’ll still face all those things except for the Bible camp, just at a later time, and it’s unknown if I’ll still have people to talk to once that time comes. I could be in a terrible mental state with few coping mechanisms, and I won’t have a therapist to sit my mom down and help me explain the situation, it’ll just be me, myself, and I, with so much distance and so little time spent with me to let them cope with and accept who I am. Not to mention I’d have to bottle such a large secret for so many years, and I don’t know how well I’ll be able to take that.

I don’t know what to choose. It’s basically down to either

  • coming out while I have internet support, but possibly going through an ex-gay camp for 12 weeks and likely being disowned by people I care about, making things extremely awkward until I’m able to move out


  • waiting until I move out, hiding myself for years and taking a gamble on whether or not I’ll be mentally capable of handling the consequences at that time

My next session is January 11th. I’m hoping to have decided by then. Any input helps, I’m so stressed I don’t know how to think anymore-

@Becfromthedead group

Can you just say that you don't want to yet? You might not be ready to come out now, but you might be ready in a few months, or a year. It seems really unfair that your therapist is pushing this timeline on you.
Saying no now doesn't eliminate the possibility of coming out later, before you move out, is the thing, but once you're out, you can't go back in.

@Becfromthedead group

Also note that you have internet support now, regardless of your choice. I'm still closeted to my family (and I'm 21 years old ashfjdl), but it's not necessarily a bad thing. It hurts a little, but I live with it.
And a lot of people here do too. So either way, you definitely have our support.


Alright. I think I found links to the camp she’s recommending, and if I’m correct, I think I’m going to avoid coming out for a while. It’s reminding me too heavily of something I’ve already went through and I can’t take that again

It sucks, deep down I was really hoping to just rip off the bandage and be out to the world, but I don’t think that’s a good idea after thinking about it more.


I don't think it's a good idea for you to come out either, Ella. Even if this camp isn't trying to completely change you, they're still going to immerse you in an environment that believes LGBTQ identities are sinful. Even if you consciously know they aren't, that type of environment isn’t going to do you any good. It seems it would only add more stress to your life. You come out when you're ready, but also when it's safe.
Being closeted sucks. But it's manageable. As long as you're in the closet, you get to control where your cards fall.


I'm closeted with transphobic parents, but I'm out to my sister and she got me a non-binary pride flag colored crystal necklace in secret 😢
The name tag had my real name and everything 😭
I'm so lucky the people that I am out to are so accepting and supportive

@Mojack group

Thinking about the time when I inevitably come out to my parents
I’m not too worried about their reactions or anything, I have lots of reasoning to believe that they will be accepting
It’s more nervousness on not knowing how to do it AND I guess their reactions, but more so anxiety (that isn’t dread, because again I have a good amount of reasons to believe they’ll be accepting.)
I’ll figure out eventually, I was considering an art piece about my identities on Instagram and then in the description writing out an explanation because my mother and father follow me on there, and sometimes it’s easier for me to write things out with no rush to explain.

I’m also curious if they suspected anything of me just based on how much I bring up LGBTQ+ in conversation (that is just me enjoying talking about rights n politics FYI), but I guess I’ll find out. Specific topics do include nonbinary and the history of it, as well as they/them pronouns can be used to refer to one person (something I’ve helped educate my parents on actually!)
I have came out to a good amount of irl friends on my sexuality and they’ve been accepting, but this online community is the only place where I’ve been open on being nonbinary and asexual.

Deleted user

wooooo merry late crimmus guys!
that was annoying of me oof sorry

Deleted user

i just wanna say, you know you need nutritional help when you actually want a salad.

those bagged salads are valid though
Dole Salad Garden, Bag, 12 oz Lettuce & Salad Mixes | Meijer Grocery,  Pharmacy, Home & More!
these fuckers


Oh hey, glad to find a thread like this here.

I'm Wrath (pen name, don't worry about it), a 20-year-old pansexual dude. I'm a huge fucking nerd. Uh, yeah 👍