forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mmmmm yeah they're pretty bad
My mom used to work as a book keeper, some of the stuff they do is iffy. When toys get donated for Christmas for the kids, staff get to go through and pick what they want to keep for their own kids (even from stuff for specific kids)
Then then being conservative Christian in nature (with chapels in the buildings and all), LGBTQ+ get to go to straight or stay out basically
And most of the stuff donated, even if it's in good condition, gets scrapped instead of resold, and the stores in my area are always dirty

@Becfromthedead group

:( Fuck salvation army. God, hearing people ring those bells around Christmas, asking for donations just pisses me off now.
I usually just go to goodwill. There's also a local thrift store that donates profits to a center that provides resources to homeless people in my town to help them get back on their feet.

@Kanaroli group

Goodwill is where I get some really pretty and cute stuff, I love it there plus it just feels so surreal walking in there and you see (at least at my goodwill) a lovely elderly woman who'll happily help you

Deleted user

My cat is asleep on/hugging my arm so I can only type with one hand :/

@Katastrophic group

also on the fuck the salvation army train, they apparently are abusive to their women shelters and do some sketchy things with their monetary donations. I don't think the ones in my area are "non-profit."

Go to goodwill for thrifting, or check out local non-chains and consignment shops!


also on the fuck the salvation army train, they apparently are abusive to their women shelters and do some sketchy things with their monetary donations. I don't think the ones in my area are "non-profit."

Go to goodwill for thrifting, or check out local non-chains and consignment shops!

that is true, salvation army is very not-good

@spacebluelily language

I went to a baby shower, with my family and a group of boys was insulting the little kids because they were girls
I told them to leave them alone and not surprisingly, they started insulting me too.
I wanted to punch them so badly, but they were 11, 10, and 9 year olds.


Dude I can't deal with this at all.
I literally had my fifth mental breakdown and panic attack yesterday.

I can't do this anymore. I can't be the fucking therapist. I can't fucking handle it anymore. I'm going to FUCKING SCREAM if I have to console one more suicidal person.

I just- I can't, dude. You don't understand what a bad place I'm in.
I'm genuinely suffering.
I haven't cried that hard since I was ten. TEN.
Everything's coming crashing down on me and I can't take any more weight. I'm at my emotional limit.

And my fucking friend's out here threatening to take out their fucking vocal cords.


I haven't slept in like 4 days, I haven't eaten since yesterday, and this motherfucker's out here like "oh, I'm sure you'll find more people like ALLISON" WHO'S LITERALLY THE MAIN SOURCE OF MY TRAUMA AND PTSD


If you think someone's about to kill themself, then call 911 on them. Seriously. If you think their life is in immediate danger, tell on them. You shouldn't have to play the role of therapist, it's not your duty, it's not how you be a good friend. In this case, being a good friend will be telling on them. For both of your sakes, tell on them. People who aren't trained shouldn't be consoling suicidal people, and you shouldn't feel bad for being burnt out for trying to do so. It's not your job. Do people the favor of recommending real, professional help. That's the best you can do.


YOU LITERALLY SAID "haha you'll go back on your bullshit"

Deleted user

Bro the other day I told a kid on the street not to throw his friend on the ground (they were like nine) and he turns to me and goes "you're ugly, kid."
First off lmao, w h a t
he got confused when I smiled and said thank you because clearly he was an idiot


Bro the other day I told a kid on the street not to throw his friend on the ground (they were like nine) and he turns to me and goes "you're ugly, kid."
First off lmao, w h a t
he got confused when I smiled and said thank you because clearly he was an idiot

bRuh lol
That sounds like something kids in my hick town would be doing and saying

@spacebluelily language

wait, vocal cords?
Is it

yeah dude

oh crap. no wonder it sounded so familiar because they posted their search history on the show us your search history thread.