forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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What do you do when It's almost the last night of musical , and you already feel like shit?
Cry yourself to sleep until you see sunrise.

Deleted user

Are you going to sleep Reed??

Yeah lol
My brain conked out after I wrote your letter


Hello I’m laying in bed because I currently don’t even have the motivation to move due to ✨dysphoria✨
Also where we’re going for thanksgiving it’s probably going to rain every day and really cold which means ✨wearing tight thermal layers✨ so that’ll be just lovely
Also also….my father’s already trying to get me to not bring a lot of hoodies or wear a lot of black like sir mind your business please


Or you could bundle up in a bunch of sweaters/jackets. I live in a pretty cold area too(Michigan) and thick hoodies work super well as an extra layer. Maybe try for baggy/oversized to help with dysphoria? As for pants, maybe just throw on some jeans over leggings? You've probably heard all of this before but it's what I can think of ;-;

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I just fell in love with Saeko from Haikyuu and askdjnwefnerslgrk this woman is literally a goddess I can't-

@Reblod flag

I feel so icky when people misgender me, especially online
I wish people wouldn't assume who you are and just stick to neutral pronouns

Like yeah, my identity changes a lot but sometimes it's really bad and I just feel uncomfortable

@Katastrophic group

like its really not that hard to say they/them?? should be standard online if you don't know the person anyways. I've been called a dude so many times, and though it doesn't really matter to me it really matters to some people.

@Becfromthedead group

Hhhh fellas, I found a brand new leather jacket at a thrift store today for $25, which is like a quarter of what I would've paid anywhere else.
I've been looking for one for over a year, and I'm so happy.
Also found a French press for like $2 and some boots for $5.
Also, might I mention this thrift store was in the middle of hecking nowhere in the middle of Georgia?


Hhhh fellas, I found a brand new leather jacket at a thrift store today for $25, which is like a quarter of what I would've paid anywhere else.
I've been looking for one for over a year, and I'm so happy.
Also found a French press for like $2 and some boots for $5.
Also, might I mention this thrift store was in the middle of hecking nowhere in the middle of Georgia?

Dude thrifting is awesome. When I'm out of town for hockey games, my mom and I always go check out whatever thrift stores are in town. When we go to Salvation Army I try not to buy anything unless I really like it bc fuck them and their homophobia

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

Hhhh fellas, I found a brand new leather jacket at a thrift store today for $25, which is like a quarter of what I would've paid anywhere else.
I've been looking for one for over a year, and I'm so happy.
Also found a French press for like $2 and some boots for $5.
Also, might I mention this thrift store was in the middle of hecking nowhere in the middle of Georgia?

Dude thrifting is awesome. When I'm out of town for hockey games, my mom and I always go check out whatever thrift stores are in town. When we go to Salvation Army I try not to buy anything unless I really like it bc fuck them and their homophobia

salvation army is homophobic? well damn you learn something new every day


Do you guys ever just get hit with just unnecessary self deprecation at 4 AM and you just start crying because you wanna be a rock or is th at just me?

lkvanv I mean I did spend half of the night feeling weirdly trapped in my body if that's what you mean? Like I felt really cramped in the leg area specifically

Deleted user

And transphobic too, apparently they left a trans woman outside to freeze bc she was trans and homeless.


Hhhh fellas, I found a brand new leather jacket at a thrift store today for $25, which is like a quarter of what I would've paid anywhere else.
I've been looking for one for over a year, and I'm so happy.
Also found a French press for like $2 and some boots for $5.
Also, might I mention this thrift store was in the middle of hecking nowhere in the middle of Georgia?

Dude thrifting is awesome. When I'm out of town for hockey games, my mom and I always go check out whatever thrift stores are in town. When we go to Salvation Army I try not to buy anything unless I really like it bc fuck them and their homophobia

salvation army is homophobic? well damn you learn something new every day

seems like they're trying to change it but I read that one of their reps said "we believe the gays deserve the death penalty", though that was a couple of years ago