forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@furetakunai ac_unit

I always just chalk it up to me being a wack-o or my neighbours being assholes. Because, being frank, I'm not too sure how much I believe in the existence of demons. At least, ones that have bizarre appearances.

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People think I'm weird but I rather have demons and spirits as friends that irl people.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

There's an old laundry shoot in my room that has a board over it. The board was slamming against the wall and much as it possibly could with how it was secured in place all of last night, so I just sat there and was like "well rude." Then I remembered to turn my radio on and it stopped instantly, so
My demon likes general pop music ig

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If you're ever haunted by a demon, make sure to have multiple conversation starters on hand so that you can engage in fun conversation topics like your favorite color. Not to mention that If you make friends, now you can have a cool demon friend that you can brag about.


I get the feeling that something's watching me all the time, but usually I just tell myself that it's either some kind of Big Shadow Cat or something or that the demons just want me to go to sleep so I have better mental health


My bedroom door just randomly opens sometimes
I always say hello when it opens because I'm polite

My bedroom door doesn’t open but it sounds like someone’s trying to open it sometimes and I just look up and usually say hi but it’s also accompanied with a curse word because anxiety so it usually ends up being something like “sup you bastard”

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Ik my house is haunted because my friend who is a medium saw someone who hung themselves in my closet…

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So They accompany me and talk to my grandpa and we literally have a party. They gave me advice about how to do certain things. They appearently were born in the 1920's.

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Honestly I don't mind my house beng haunted, Although they get mad when my mom and dad put up sage…


I wish I had less lol, wanna trade?

Yes please
My only stories are
-one time I smelled a ghost
-sometimes I have suddenly very clear intuition, and can sense a presence, and sometimes it'll pass through me with chills
who knows if that's ghosts or not
I don't know if I believe in the supernatural, but I sure would like to.

@spacebluelily language

You can download it on your phone for free
Obviously, you're not going to be able to get the little crewmates and the suits and the extra hats if you don't have a credit card, but it's all fine.

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I could tell you kids some ghost stories. Witch bitch edition.