forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers


It’s this whole message of like learning how to let go of things and appreciate them while they’re there.
The content is literally the most random stuff
They do a lot of videos where they’ll go and learn new skills
They learned how to do like movie fake combat, and Chinese archery, and how to milk a goat.
Just all this random stuff

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I'm so sad dude, I'm going to bed I know it's early shut up I'm exhausted and I'll be able to find the end online easily but I'm lowkey sad I won't be there to see it live.

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Alright, I'm out for tonight. A boy needs his sleep. Much love y'all. Memento mori. Pretend I'm there when they delete it.

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Somebody give me the gender neutral for "man" because whenever I type "idk" I have the urge to make it "idk man" and I don't want to be that one person who unnecessarily adds gender to stuff


Imo bro is almost gender-neutral. At least, that's how I use it. Guy, girl, both, neither, I'm gonna call you a bro bc that's just how it be. And same with dude. Literally got into an argument with my dad over that lmaooo

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haha yikes
how are y'all feeling?
I've never watched it but i have an idea that you all have probably cried


I woke up for the last hour.
It was good. It was really good. I teared up a bit after but I think I got all my tears out the week before.
Momento mori. Unus Annus.

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mmm just had my dad try and tell me what to wear
I was wearing a fingerlength dress with shorts underneath it and apparently that's innopropriate
he also called me crazy for telling him he can't try and controll my body

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Me: I will not have a middle aged white man tell me what I can and can not wear
My dad: Yeah but I'm your father

like bitch, you can't say that and think it puts you apart from the rest

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I didn't!!!
I had fucking shorts on and the dress covered the shorts
but he was like "you don't look like you have any clothes on, people will look at you"