forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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@nebula__ group

"-walks in dressed up as kaede-"
"-comes in afterward dressed as shuichi and starts crying-"
"what's wrong?"
"k… ka… kaede… more like…"
"more like kaeDEAD,,, -starts bawling like crazy-"
"-sitting in the corner laughing nonstop- funniest shit i've heard all day"

@nebula__ group

(here's a thing that happened with me and my friends when i used to live in florida-)

Friend 1 @ Friend 2: [Insert name].
Friend 2 @ Friend 1: [Insert name].
Me and Friend 3: hooOOo-
Friend 1 and Friend 2 start fighting
Teacher: What's going on here?
Me: They're reenacting Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. They're weirdos.
Friend 3: Yeah pretty much.
Teacher: Huh. They better stop it soon or I'll have to alert the Vice Principal.
Me and Friend 3: They'll be done in a sec. Don't worry.
After a few minutes, Friend 1 and Friend 2 stop fighting, but they look pissed at each other
Me: Great job guys! sarcastically
Friend 1 and Friend 2: We know.

@Pickles group

"I received an email from one of my quarantined students titled 'They got me.'" -My calculus teacher

"It's positive pants Wednesday and I got a shirt to go with them!" -also my calc teacher
It's worth noting that she has declared "it" a curse word and refers to corona germs as cooties. I adore her.

"He's the LeBron James of the army." -My english teacher about Macbeth

@Milani eco

'i just have a sudden urge to put stuff on my head'
'i hate most gay people, actually- most gay people are alright- actually, i think im gay.'
'i want to spit on you'
'lets go play nutball! its where you throw things at each others' nuts!'
'i fucking hate gay people, they're so annoying…'
btw all the gay comments come from one of my gayyest friends ahhaha

@larcenistarsonist group

"Uh my name is (name). And uh one thing about me is that I love Taco Bell. Especially the (food) i forgot what he said. It's like Jesus in a burrito…" Trails off with a distant look in his eyes and pretends to eat a burrito.

@nebula__ group

"So, they're trying to get you back into therapy? Why is that?"
"It's either because I'm depressed or because you exist and torture me nonstop with your lectures on how to be a good person."

@Milani eco

"(Friend 1 name) I swear to god if you keep saying stuff like that, I'll ziptie your braces together so you can't talk"


@larcenistarsonist group

Spanish teacher: "Where were you guys when that earthquake hit a few months ago?"
Student 1: "I was on my bed fixing something on the shelf above it, it was weird."
Student 2: "I was driving so I didn't even feel it."
Student 3: "I was using the bathroom."
Whole class: "oof."