forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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I miss her. More than anything. I can't live without her. So I must bring myself to endure. Endure the pain. The suffering. The agony of losing her. I never saw what color her hair was. I would never find out if her eyes were brilliant green, like mine, or not. I did know her name, though. It whispers to me as I stand in the clearing of the Ancient Woods. Birds tittle in the trees, filling the grove with a cheerful song. I clutch the jar close to my chest and know already that its imprint will cling to me forever. It's made of glass because I insisted. I knew that it was silly, and I shouldn't have, but I desperately wanted something more for the life of this child that she'd never get to have. She would never get a life to call her own. I was so close - so close - to being a sister. I open the lid and smell the tangy scent of metal that is stained into my palms. I walk up to the One Tree. It is among the gnarled, spiny roots of the old Tree where I find the perfect spot. She'd like it here; hearing birds chirp and squirrels play and water trick from the EverBrooke. I stand with my back digging into the tree bark, and I let the jar's contents spill. My little sister's ashes tumble and sweep away in the wind until only a small handful remains in the jar. I dump the last pile into the roots of the tree. "Glen, sing her name in peace, that she will be safe here, loved here, remembered here," I offer to the highest branches in the Forest. The name drifts down and into my ears, filling the Hollow with the sweet sound.

"Emma… Emma… Emma…"

Her spirit sings.

Deleted user

Oh my gosh you guys, don't make me cry! You're all so nice!


I look up into the stars. I squeeze Maion's hand, and point at the constellation. "There she is.." I say quietly. Maion looks up at the sky, and tilts his head. "Mummy is in the stars." I nod, a sad smile spreading across my face. "Mummy is in the stars." I agree. Mummy is in the stars, trapped in the endless night sky.

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I feel like I need to write something a little happier, we're in a very depressing mood rn.


She looked up from her arms, the cool night wind freezing her tears. She didn't know What to do after her mother died, and her father was ignoring her. She hugged herself and wiped her tears, clutching at the locket her mother gave her. She got up to start the journey home then slipped. My, what a beautiful night sky. she thought to herself as she fell into the water, closing her eyes for the last time.