forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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So we take turns choosing a short prompt, and then we each tell a two to four paragraph story based off that. Anybody up for it?


I watch them swim around. The fish.. do they know they are being held captive? All they do is swim around in the same 2 ftx1ft tank of water all day.
Poor fish. They're meant for something greater, they're meant for the ocean.
I lightly lay my finger on the glass. A small beta fish swims up to it. I smile, and giggle a bit. "Blub blub!" I say quietly, and make a fishy face at the fish.
It's face morphs into my own. I freeze, terrified. Then it spoke.
"Human noise, you appropriating butthole!"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Tap tap.
Tap tap.
Tap tap.

Wide, blue eyes stare at me from my hiding spot behind the treasure chest. They blink; long, dark eyelashes falling over them slowly.

Every day. Every day is the same. The lights come on, I swim around the tank with my friends for a bit, and then we get fed. After that is more swimming. And then we get stared at by hundreds of different people, hundreds of pairs of different eyes. Blue, gray, green, brown, even violet or golden.

As soon as the lights go out, I swish my plumy, pale-pink tail up and down, pushing the water past my shoulders as I swim to the top of the tank. My friends await me at the top, and I grin upon seeing their uniquely-colored tails hanging down into the water as they sit atop a rock. Ah, the life of a captive mermaid…


I flick my tail. Is this what life is going to be like for me now? Held captive in a cold, unforgiving box of glass? The bright light flickers above me and I blink in annoyance, darting in an out of the artificial grass, just for fun.

That's when I saw them approaching. The surface monsters. Covered in thin, stringy hair on their heads and soft skin surrounding a slender skeleton, they lean down, staring into my prison.

I I immediately panic and swim behind a rock, attempting to hide. But they can still see me.

They can always see me.

I'll never escape…


Tara stared at the fish tank in the marine reserve's lobby. She watched the shimmering tropical fish swim contentedly in the water, twisting around all the coral and decorative items in the tank.

They didn't seem to have a card in the world. Unlike Tara, who had to sustain her cancerous mother and a six year old sister.

"I wish I could be a fish. I wouldn't have a care in the world." Tara whispered.

Be careful what you wish for.