forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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I'm sssooorrryyyy Camie about Veda and Carter and Aaron but it's not my fault it just happened I'M SORRY OKAY


I struggled against my chains, straining for all I was worth.
"Steady girl you wouldn't want to hurt that pretty maiden face of yours before I can take your life force away."
I stopped struggling as the silky voice wrapped around my brain there was a flash of light and my captor changed forms, a handsome, to handsome man practically glided to me. "Please…"
The man laughed a sound like the tinkling of bells and water rolling through a stream, "Dear maiden you were warned Of the dangers in this forest." His voice made me want to curl up with my head in his lap and do his every biding.
"But you're not supposed to be dangerous you're supposed to be elegant and graceful and full of magic and life."
The man grinned a wicked smile that melted away the last of the girl will power, "Oh sweet maiden Am I not all that you say?" He put a finger under my chin and tilted my head up to look in his eye's pools that glistened like a rainbow the same eye's that had got me into this mess.
His lips melted against mine and I could feel the life drain out of me, He pulled away and let me drop to the floor. "Has no one warned you what my kind really do?" The last sight I saw was those gorgeous eye's before the last light drained out of me. But aren't Unicorns supposed to be good?

@Imperfect_Autumn group

A shadow is cast over my head, and I look up to see wings of golden yellow, fiery red, and blazing orange. They're almost too bright to look at. Almost. I stare at the breathtaking bird, even as it swoops down and grasps my shoulders in its strong talons. The bird is hot like fire and, were it not for the thick jacket I am wearing, I would have certainly been burned by it. As it is, I am already sweating from the heat surrounding me, even though the air is cooling as I am lifted higher and higher.

We land on the floor of a large stone cave, a fire burning in the center of it. The majestic bird set me down, and I scramble backward, away from it. The realization of what had happened just hit me: I was kidnapped by a phoenix!

"What do you want with me?" I manage to ask, my voice sounding much more confident than I am feeling.

"Want with you? Darling, do you not recognize me?" the phoenix asks, cocking its head to one side. It shakes its feathers, and suddenly, there is a young man standing in its place. His golden eyes and flaming red hair are so unmistakable to me that I wonder how I couldn't have realized what he was sooner. The phoenix who had captured me was none other than the man who had captured my heart.

(Goodness, that took forever to write…)

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Yours are all so good, and mine is so… awful