forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 38 followers


It isn’t every day one falls in love, even less often is the occurrence a cloud falls in love.
You may wonder how can a cloud find love
Many things find love, Volcanoes, Flowers, tree’s
SO why not a cloud and why so rare, For a cloud’s don't often look for love
Their lives are short, and fluffy and anything but clear.
But two clouds did fall in love i say, tis a tail quite hard to believe you say
But they did one hot stormy day the clouds were in love they laughed and played
As the played they spreading sweet rain,
that rain turned to rears when only one cloud remained

Deleted user


@Imperfect_Autumn group

Looking down at the rolling waves, I feel a tug deep inside me. I wish I could be as those waves: strong, proud, and free. What I would give, just to be released from this duty.

But, no. It just isn't meant to be. Not yet. I must continue on, complete this last job.

I look down at the ground around me, sprinkled with dark ashes, not a blade of grass growing. The fire has almost consumed the entire field, next shall come the town, the castle, the rest of the broken, dark, bitter realm. This drains me. I have not used my powers this much before. But it needs to be done.

I look back at the small village, the dreadful castle looming in the distance. With one last deep breath, I push out towards it with my hands, letting the flames consume everything in their path.


I felt the life draining out of me
This was natural it had to happen
The embers of my flame glowed fainter and fainter
Feathers dropped from my body my skin could no longer hold them
I could feel the hungry flames devouring my skin until my body was no more, A pile of ashes remained.
I poked my head out of the pile, raw fresh and new I flew from the ashes my flame rekindled