forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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Night! Why do people actually sleep

I sleep bc if I don't I get even more depressed, and often times try to kill people


Sydney stared out at the destruction that surrounded her.
How could they do this again?
Ashes swirled all around her in the wind, masking the once-green hill with black soot. People were coming out of their bomb shelters, helping each other and staring at what their once-great country had been reduced to.

Tyler banged his hand against the glass cell. "Uncle! We had a deal! My capture in exchange for the safety of the country!"
"Deals can be broken child." The man in black snarled.
Sydney… Tyler slid down against the glass in defeat, staring at the ash in his hand. I'm sorry..


^u^ Thanks!
It's not a direct paragraph from my story, but it is along the lines.
I've been working really hard on improving my writing and mysteriousness in my writing
So your compliments mean more than you know.