forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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@Imperfect_Autumn group

Thunder crackles from above as I shake my wings out. The pale pink feathers rustle in the strong wind, but I know I can handle this. I've gone through worse storms before.

I take a step forward, and then another, and another, until there is no more ground for me to step on and I'm freefalling down the cliff. My wings snap open wide right before I hit the water, and I glide over the dark, crashing waves. Pumping my wings, I rise higher and higher in the sky. The rain pounds on my face, my back, my whole body, as I fly to my destination.

Lightning streaks down not far to my left, and I veer away from it. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, hear the blood rushing through my ears, as I'm almost struck again. That's right; the worst storm I was in was only heavy rain, not crashing thunder and bright, beautiful, deadly lightning.

Spotting a deserted-looking island just to my right, I steer myself towards it, landing clumsily on the pebbly shore. I almost lose my footing once or twice before I finally manage to stand. I glance at the sky and shiver as another bolt of lightning lights up the entire shore. Shaking my head, I walk into the woods lining the shore. Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

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"Come on. Please come out. I promise, nothing is going to happen to you," he says. His eyes sparkle in the starlight. I almost believe him.
But I turn away, facing the dimly lit kitchen instead. "I'm sorry-" I whisper "-but I can't." I can hear his footsteps coming and his arms wrap around my stomach. He pulls me to his chest and rests his chin on my hair. "I'm sorry," I whisper again.
"Don't be sorry. Nothing will happen to you. I'll protect you. Remember? I added that to my oath at our wedding. Okay?"
"Okay," I breath.
"You'll be fine. Want me to carry you?"
I shake my head. "Jack, I want to do it myself."
"Alright," he says, releasing me. "Then who am I to stop you."
He turns me toward the door and guides me over. "Look, the chairs are right over there. Okay? I moved them closer. I promise you'll be fine. I'm right behind you."
I hesitantly step one foot out. The second follows it. I want to go back inside. Jack blocks me.
"Come on, Chrissy, you can do it," he whispers in my ear.
"Didn't think it would be all this trouble marrying an agoraphobic, huh?" I ask faintly.
"I didn't marry an agoraphoic. I married you."
The earth is cool under my toes then I step onto the patio stones. They are smooth, gray, and hopeful. I ease myself into a chair. He sits down beside me. A bat flies overhead. I shriek and grab Jack's arm. He pulls his chair closer to mine and holds me tight to his chest. I close my eyes and whimper into his shirt.
"Chrissy, look up," Jack says from somewhere above me. Fearfully, I open my eyes and look up. THe view takes my breath away. Jack laces his fingers with mine and kisses my cheek as we huddle close under the starry, endless night sky.

(I started this, then my parents temporairily took my computer, so this is my response to Natasha's prompt The Endless Night Sky.)

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(Thank you. I feel like we needed something a little happier. ;D)

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(Also, I loved your chocolate syrup stories!! XD)