forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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He woke up gasping for Air, he had the strangest dream he had been walking in a dark Corredor aimlessly he found a door at the end and walk through only to find himself wearing a beautiful suit waiting for a girl who walked in at that moment where in the most beautiful white dress before he could see his face he woke up. Two days later he walked out of a coffee shop with his favourite drink in hand he bumped into somebody and spilled his hot drink all over them “I am so sorry!” He exclaimed. The girl lifted her face up and shook her hair He gasped as he Saw her face, it was a girl from his dreams. “ I have been waiting for you.” She smiled at him “centuries I waited for you to wake up and now you are.” She took his hand and pulled his face down to Hers. She closed her eyes and gave him a kiss suddenly. He remembered the girl from the day he met her, to the day of their wedding, to the day it all fell apart. It was their eternal love brought them together again.

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She reached for him, but it was hopeless. His fingers slipped from her grasp and he raced across the terrain, right into the line of fire. To save them - the man with the arrows who was sheltering a child with his body. The gunfire instantly stopped and the air hung still for a moment. It was so quiet - so deathly quiet - that his voice reached her ears with his last words: "What? You didn't see that coming?" He collapsed. It didn't seem real, but at once, she felt her heart bleed in his memory. The young woman sunk to her knees and helplessly screamed his name as her uncontrollable power gushed from her fingertips and surrounded her. "PIETRO!"

(It's a bit different, yes, but I thought that it would fit the bill. Disclaimer: the scene is a bit altered. It's not lovers, but the Maximoff's sibling love for each other is definitely eternal. From Age of Ultron.)

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@Imperfect_Autumn group

(As I write this, I am appropriately listening to a cover of As Long As You Love Me.)

I could wait a thousand years and still never find someone like you.

His voice rang in her ears, softly at first, then gaining volume as she dropped to her knees. His last words, spoken with his dying breath. His love for her, echoing in her mind.

Why? Why had he had to be taken from her? Their life together had barely started, and now it had been ripped from under their feet. At least she would have a reminder of him.

She sighed, wiped her tear-stained cheeks, and stood. A hand absentmindedly placed on her stomach, she made her way over to the bed. It looked so empty without him. So lifeless, so barren. Movement within her brought her back to the present, and she smiled down at herself and the life inside of her. The life that she would forever love.


This is our battle.
the screaming of people telling us we are worthless, that we have a special place reserved in Hell
These are our trials.
being shunned by the ones we love and trust most, being told we are breaking our mothers' hearts and kicked out to the streets
This is what we must face.
consant fear of what those who appear us will do this time, it couldn't be worse than what happened on Wednesday
But we will break through.
smiling and laughing as we parade down the streets
We will survive.
waving our flags in the midst of the hate
Because we are strong.
crying of joy as I am greeted with others like me, rejects, fags, and dancing because no one, NO ONE will tear me down
This is my fight song.


Vivian took a deep breath.
You can do it.
You're stronger than you think.
You can make it.
You're amazing.
You're my hero.
You're my daughter.
I love you.

The words of her friends, and the words of her family, gave Vivian strength as she closed her eyes and remembered them. Then she remembered a verse that her father had taught her when she was younger.
Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped: my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

And, as everyone watched in amazement, Vivian pushed herself up and out of her wheelchair, walking with confidence and righteous anger over to Mr. Phillip. "This is my safe place. This is where I regained my faith and confidence. You are not taking it from me. This is my fight song, and I'm not letting you take the horse farm without a fight."