forum Story Game
Started by @Crisis

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I struggled against my bound hands, my core tensing. I averted my eyes from the demon, focusing on my breathing instead. I heard her chuckle. She moved toward me and put a hand under my chin, tilting my head so I could look at her. I whimpered, biting my lower lip.

"You're no use against my influence, are you?" She said. I could feel her breath on my lips, and I had to resist the urge to wrap my arms around her scaled body and kiss her.

"Please, just let me go," I pleaded. My whole body felt like it was on fire. The room was filled with lust, tension, and fear, my body shaking from being overwhelmed with the feeling. All because of the beautiful demon, shaped like a human with wings and scales like a dragon, curved breasts and hips covered by dark silk.

It was Lust, a physical form of one of the seven deadly sins.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry but I can't do that," the demon said, feigning a look of sympathy. "You see, I'm very hungry, and you're the perfect snack." I dug my nails into my palms and averted my eyes as she inched forward, crawling on her hands and knees. "Your smooth skin, delicious curves, sweet scent… it's making my mouth water. All you have to do," she paused, "is give me permission."

I tried so hard to resist. I tried to hold onto what little sense and willpower I had left in me, but it's like the demon had taken that all away.

So I leaned forward. And I kissed her.


Btw, Relsey, your story was beautiful!

And I am now upset with unicorns.

How dare they look so majestic, yet be so cruel?

Aww thank you the myths of Unicorns has always weirded me out a little bit


Salt? Check.

Iron? Check.

Knife? Check.

Gasoline and matches?
She wouldn't have been able to get the job done without them.

Caroline took a deep breath, turning the knife over in her hand. She glanced around, eyes narrowed as the temperature in the room dropped rapidly. She could soon see her breath in the air.

"Come on out and face me," she challenged. Her voice was loud, and it echoed in the room. Silence followed. Caroline could feel herself getting more irritated by the second. "I know you're in here, I can feel it. It's cold."

That's when there was a sound like a gust of wind, and a flickering spirit appeared in front of Caroline. She smiled and tightened her grip on the iron knife. The spirit, however, seemed calm and unalarmed by the weapons. It instead took a confident step toward Caroline, the floor beneath it slowly becoming covered in a thin layer of frost.

"When are you going to learn that you can't kill me?" It said, voice incredibly loud and distorted. "I'm a being beyond your understanding. Beyond time. Beyond existence. I am what never was. I am nothing, and I am everything. So are my brothers and sisters."

Caroline trembled.

"But most importantly," it took the knife out of her hand, "we've all been here forever, and we're here to stay."


The humans despise us, yet they've invaded our space polluted our earth and what have we done to them but mistake them for a meal once of twice.
The make movies where we are the monster who destroys life, but in reality The humans are taking our life away.
But we will out last them, we all ways have.
The Giant Lizards, Died off one by one, the mammoths, Gone, the great giants of the earth, gone.
The first Tiger the First man, we've out lasted them.
My Kind has been here forever, and We the sharks Plan to stay.
They can try to weed us out, pollute our waters take our food. But we'll out live the human till It's just a bad memory.
Just as we always have.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

It starts with a whisper in my head. A taunting, silvery whisper of, You can never escape. You're trapped here forever. There is no getting out of this place.

I look around, and my eyes are greeted with the same sights I have seen since I first opened my eyes. Four simple, gray stone walls, crumbling around the edges but still holding each other up somehow, surround me. I'm sitting on a lumpy mattress covered in a single, thin blanket, so old that I can't even remember what color it was originally. A lamp sits alone in the far right corner, and a bookshelf with only five books rests in the far left one. Between them is a heavy wooden door made of wood so dark it is almost black. For iron bars rest in the upper center of the door, my only way to view something outside my room. Nothing of interest is out there, though, just more stone floors and walls.

A small, tarnished handheld mirror sits beside me, and I pick it up to study myself. This is one of the few forms of entertainment that I am allowed. I stare into my ever-changing, ice-blue eyes before moving on to my nose, which is small and neither round nor pointed. My pale pink lips are pursed in my never-moving neutral expression. Lifting a hand to my head, I run my fingers through my long, thick, rose-gold hair. When my gaze moves back to my eyes, the voice starts again, You're never getting rid of me. I am always with you. I will never leave you, just as you will never leave this place.

As it speaks, I realize that I'm not the only one trapped in a place forever, never to leave. The voice inside my head is trapped as much as – if not more so than – I am. We have been here forever, and we are here to stay.


We are the voices that whisper in your ear when the wind whistles through. We are the tears that fall with the rain. We are the dances that fall to the ground in the snow. We are the hammers that beat on your skin in the heat. Man has no power over us. They cannot erase us. We have been here forever, and we are here to stay.