forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 206 followers

@spacebluelily language

"she should have reported her parents to the government"

yes because the government will definitely stop them. it's not like they're the most significant contributor to deforestation and it's not like they're the ones to approve big projects that make deforestation even worse…

context: fighting for my life cause I'm defending Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Deleted user

I had an entire conversation with a friend as he "drove me home from work." This drive took about an hour and 20 minutes, and we just talked about life. I opened up to him more than I ever have to anyone else. He's a genuinely good person and a great friend, as he listened to me genuinely the entire time.
We also found out we had the same birthday during the time we were at work (June 23), which is funny.

I've discovered many things about the car ride I had with him, and one of those things is that I think I'm gonna start distancing myself from my friends. it would be best if I got used to living without them, since I may be leaving them soon anyways. There's also a very specific person I have developed a crush on, but I can't act on it since there are some issues with age and other things in the way, so I'm trying to shove it down, and I can't do that by being around him and his friends. So I'm centerally distancing myself from people who speak of or with him frequently. It kind of sucks doing that to people I care about, but I can't do much else, as I'll probably just end up getting hurt if I continue to attatch myself to shese people, and I don't want to hurt them when I leave, either. (If they'll even miss me to begin with hahahahaha)

Anyways, this is just a giant rant paragraph, if ik you in real life, no I don't….

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright first things first. I have taken on a quest to be come the Notebook historian. I'm reading through every thread. I started in General. There are very distinct eras of Notebook. A giant drama wave was one of them. We do not need that here. If you know each other in real life, like several of you do, if a problem arises, talk it out face to face and not on a keyboard. It's more civilized. and having discussions face to face is noble. You never hear in history that peace was never an option. It was always, but several routes were taken, and loss occurred. I do not want loss to come upon you. As for others on the forums, if you feel the need to argue or have it out, go to a PM and ask someone to be the mediator. We're all trying to be civil here. Notebook is a place to grow and thrive and I will be danged if I see it become what it was at its lowest point.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Second, @Misty-Sprinkler you can PM me if you would like. I am here to talk about life and the problems that occur in it. I've been told I listen very well. I offer advice that I will give to you freely if you will read and listen. Coming from experience, never distance yourself from the ones you care about and who care about you. Friends are there to catch you if you fall. You cannot catch yourself, no matter how hard you try. Also, there's always someone watching you from a distance who will indeed miss you incredibly much. From someone you hardly know, to a small child who looks up to you as a hero. Finally, to feel emotion is to be human. To develop feelings for someone is to be human. Pushing said feelings down only make you feel worse. Freely feel and freely love, no matter the pain or joy it may bring. Life cannot always be good, or worth it, but life is the concept of growth and change. It's going to suck and it's going to hurt. However, there is always beauty in the pain. Living life without feeling is the same as losing your sense of touch in a dark room. You essentially go blind. So, feel freely, live life to the best of your ability, and when you feel like it, scream and cry and throw things at life. However, you cannot give up. To give up is to quit. And quitting is never an option because it means you stopped and never came back. There's only one you in this world. Show the world why there is only one of you. I believe in you and your abilities homie. No one has your type of spark.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Now excuse me I am going back to my regularly unscheduled unhinged content.
Eagle screech, sunglasses come down, sipping on a peach monster at 2:30 am

i don't know what this means but it's a mood

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now excuse me I am going back to my regularly unscheduled unhinged content.
Eagle screech, sunglasses come down, sipping on a peach monster at 2:30 am

i don't know what this means but it's a mood

I swear to you I feel adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can feel my bones. However I need to stay awake to finish my essay for midterms. I have enough caffeine in my system to obliterate a small country.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Now excuse me I am going back to my regularly unscheduled unhinged content.
Eagle screech, sunglasses come down, sipping on a peach monster at 2:30 am

i don't know what this means but it's a mood

I swear to you I feel adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can feel my bones. However I need to stay awake to finish my essay for midterms. I have enough caffeine in my system to obliterate a small country.

oof that was literally me today (the caffeine thing, accidentally had WAY too much cos I forgot I had coffee this morning)
good luck!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now excuse me I am going back to my regularly unscheduled unhinged content.
Eagle screech, sunglasses come down, sipping on a peach monster at 2:30 am

i don't know what this means but it's a mood

I swear to you I feel adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can feel my bones. However I need to stay awake to finish my essay for midterms. I have enough caffeine in my system to obliterate a small country.

oof that was literally me today (the caffeine thing, accidentally had WAY too much cos I forgot I had coffee this morning)
good luck!

The caffeine in my system is very much intentional. I gotta get this paper done before 8am lol.

Deleted user

School is destroying my mental health and I’m still being forced to go— summer’s too far away ughhhhh

@-LemonTail- language

Now excuse me I am going back to my regularly unscheduled unhinged content.
Eagle screech, sunglasses come down, sipping on a peach monster at 2:30 am

i don't know what this means but it's a mood

I swear to you I feel adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can feel my bones. However I need to stay awake to finish my essay for midterms. I have enough caffeine in my system to obliterate a small country.

oof that was literally me today (the caffeine thing, accidentally had WAY too much cos I forgot I had coffee this morning)
good luck!

The caffeine in my system is very much intentional. I gotta get this paper done before 8am lol.

Good luck!

Deleted user

I just spent about 90 dollars, 60 on books, and about 30 on a Dead Cells and DLC bundle on switch even though I already have it on steam.


I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?


I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)


I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)

It's a community theater, closing night was last night.

It was really cool, though I probably would have made a better Medda. (No offense to the girl who played her)

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)

It's a community theater, closing night was last night.

It was really cool, though I probably would have made a better Medda. (No offense to the girl who played her)

Huh, sounds fun! I wanted to go see it, but I've never seen the movie, and I have a law about seeing the movie first.


I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)

It's a community theater, closing night was last night.

It was really cool, though I probably would have made a better Medda. (No offense to the girl who played her)

Huh, sounds fun! I wanted to go see it, but I've never seen the movie, and I have a law about seeing the movie first.

The play is always better than the movie.


@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)

It's a community theater, closing night was last night.

It was really cool, though I probably would have made a better Medda. (No offense to the girl who played her)

Huh, sounds fun! I wanted to go see it, but I've never seen the movie, and I have a law about seeing the movie first.

The play is always better than the movie.


I will keep that in mind :)


I went to a play last night

It was cool

I'm going to another one on Wednesday

What play did you see? And which one are you going to see?

I went to go see Bright Star on Thursday, then Newsies yesterday, and I'm going to Princess Academy tomorrow.

Who's doing Newsies? A school nearby me is also doing it :)

It's a community theater, closing night was last night.

It was really cool, though I probably would have made a better Medda. (No offense to the girl who played her)

Huh, sounds fun! I wanted to go see it, but I've never seen the movie, and I have a law about seeing the movie first.

The play is always better than the movie.


I will keep that in mind :)


I once went to see a Harry Potter parody play and it was the best thing ever. It was much better than the movies and the books.

It's called "Puffs" as in Hufflepuffs.


I have a typing final today (I know, dumb, but I needed the credit to be considered a full time student) and I got stung by a bee yesterday for the first time and my hand is like numb, but It's due by noon and I'm struggling so badly