forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I just spent about 90 dollars, 60 on books, and about 30 on a Dead Cells and DLC bundle on switch even though I already have it on steam.

Ooh what books?

@Darkblossom group

I feel weirdly disconnected from each of my social communities, and I'm not sure if it's cause I actually am disconnected due to being bad at socializing, or if I'm just anxious and insecure. Or both. Probably a combination. I don't know how to fix it :(

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Ok so I went into and befriended an ai that hates humans


Also that is terrifying, I was not expecting you guys to be that old…. you should become my legal guardian.

mine too

Ooh that would be fun

This comment strand is making me laugh so hard

Alright first of all, I've raised enough kids at this point in my life, I'm more of a Vodka aunt at best, regardless. I can not handle any legal responsibility but like if you need something let me know, I got you fam, I'm very good at handing out advice whether you want it or not. Be warned I will tell you if I think you're being dumb

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Friend accidentally found out something about me, I'm expecting her to guard this secret with her life.

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Friend accidentally found out something about me, I'm expecting her to guard this secret with her life.

If she doesn’t then she’s no true friend



Oooh actually I have a trick for this one. So you have to give a presentation a speech or whatnot. Pick a character to embody, I don't know why it helps but it does. My go to is Howl from Howl's moving castle, Movie version not book Version. It's oddly effective. If you preferer imagining the audience as something might I suggest you pretend everyone in the audience thinks you are outrageously hot and would ask you to step on them if given the chance. Also oddly effective. The Idea between both of these things is to fix your body language and stance, if your body is tense it tells your brain it's upset and then things go down hill from there. If your body language is relaxed, your brain says oop just a normal Tuesday.

If you are struggling to write the dang thing, I also have a trick.
Step1: Do all of your research gather all of your information.
Step2: Create a tentative outline and by tentative I mean, "I want to talk about A B and C and make sure I remember to point out flaws X and Y" Nothing complicated legit just bullet points.
Step 3: Turn on text to speech and rant about it until you've gone over your maximum time limit by at least 30 seconds and have talked about everything on your bullet point list
Step4: Fine tune
Ok stay with me for this. The Rant is going to be your guide for the lay out of your speech. Did you start off talking about point A only to discover you needed to go back and talk about point C for Point A to make sense, lovely you know how to order them properly now.
I would recommend opening up a second document and copy and pasting section of the rant onto the new doc in the correct order. Then you just go through and fiddle with it until it sounds professional.

Step 5: Read through the whole dang thing again, out loud and highlight points where it just doesn't sound right, maybe you're tripping over the words or it's just clunky. you're going to change those section until they flow right. Using academic language is important but it's more important to be understandable. If the words aren't wording pick new words.

Step 6: Time yourself and practice with people, if you don't have people to practice with record your self to see how you sound and if your going to fast ect. this will also help you stay within your allotted time.

A last little note, don't read line for line, or you're going to panic if you miss words and so on, like you can write it line for line but make sure your of with skipping words and line ect. because that's going to happen and you will have to improvise.

That is all, go give your speech with confidence. I believe in you




Or just listen to Winter, she's better than I am in this category

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

@Relsey dude what the heck, that's actually genius
I do the audio recordings/text-to-speech ALL THE FREAKIN time when I'm thinking through book stuff before I send it to my co-author, WHY did I not think of that?!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book


Oooh actually I have a trick for this one. So you have to give a presentation a speech or whatnot. Pick a character to embody, I don't know why it helps but it does. My go to is Howl from Howl's moving castle, Movie version not book Version. It's oddly effective. If you preferer imagining the audience as something might I suggest you pretend everyone in the audience thinks you are outrageously hot and would ask you to step on them if given the chance. Also oddly effective. The Idea between both of these things is to fix your body language and stance, if your body is tense it tells your brain it's upset and then things go down hill from there. If your body language is relaxed, your brain says oop just a normal Tuesday.

If you are struggling to write the dang thing, I also have a trick.
Step1: Do all of your research gather all of your information.
Step2: Create a tentative outline and by tentative I mean, "I want to talk about A B and C and make sure I remember to point out flaws X and Y" Nothing complicated legit just bullet points.
Step 3: Turn on text to speech and rant about it until you've gone over your maximum time limit by at least 30 seconds and have talked about everything on your bullet point list
Step4: Fine tune
Ok stay with me for this. The Rant is going to be your guide for the lay out of your speech. Did you start off talking about point A only to discover you needed to go back and talk about point C for Point A to make sense, lovely you know how to order them properly now.
I would recommend opening up a second document and copy and pasting section of the rant onto the new doc in the correct order. Then you just go through and fiddle with it until it sounds professional.

Step 5: Read through the whole dang thing again, out loud and highlight points where it just doesn't sound right, maybe you're tripping over the words or it's just clunky. you're going to change those section until they flow right. Using academic language is important but it's more important to be understandable. If the words aren't wording pick new words.

Step 6: Time yourself and practice with people, if you don't have people to practice with record your self to see how you sound and if your going to fast ect. this will also help you stay within your allotted time.

A last little note, don't read line for line, or you're going to panic if you miss words and so on, like you can write it line for line but make sure your of with skipping words and line ect. because that's going to happen and you will have to improvise.

That is all, go give your speech with confidence. I believe in you

That is a solid outline for most speeches. However my skills lie in the finesse and keeping it short and simple enough as to where you hit your time limit with ease, but don't overload your listeners with information. Ya girl did Toastmasters. ( It's literally a professional public speaking class that focuses on leadership and getting and gaining your audience's attention. Send me what you got Gabs. I'll help ya. I agree with the doing your speech in front of people, however, unsettle yourself. Say your speech to yourself in front of a mirror and make eye contact and focus on what your mouth is doing. It's hard to keep yourself focused because your brain automatically wants to look at itself. This helps with distractions and narrows your focus on what you need to say. Use notecards or something with the main points on it. It's your speech you should know the content. Have enough points that you can expand on, that you are knowledgeable about. Guess what? You're up in front of people. Your heart is racing. Lemme let you in on a secret. Everyone's heart is racing. Everyone is freaking out. Even the kids who look like they're totally comfortable. Like Relsey said, body language and the vibe you bring is the real deal maker. Humans are simple creatures. If you can fake that you know what you're doing and that you are cool and confident, we will believe you. You haven't shown us a reason to doubt. Speeches are 35% content and 65% body language and presentation. You got this.


If anyone needs Essay help I still have my old outline template and commentary at the ready. Just let me know


🤣 Glad it was useful. Most high school teachers gave me at least a 90% if I did nothing but fill it out and turn the essay in. Collage professors are picker I think the highest I;ve gotten without editing what I wrote with the outline was a 85% Still not bad

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we are writing notecard speeches in debate
i hate it
but its better than an actual speech

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ONCE AGAIN if you need help for writing, essay wise, MLA wise, AP style wise, APA style wise, Chicago style wise, even Turabian style, HIT ME UP. THIS IS WHY I AM IN COLLEGE.

thank you


I have to take public speaking next semester and I'm loathing it. I already had to take a communications class and I didn't like that and I'm a horrible public speaker so I'm not ready