forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@PurplePartyTiger language

I want to jabber about my brainchild for some reason, if anyone's willing to listen to me ramble. I've been working on this thing for almost five years now and I've barely talked to much of anyone about it.

@PurplePartyTiger language

I first started it when I was a wee lass and the Crystal Empire didn't have much history yet. And that's how a lot of writers start out, they just write what's missing. One of my favorite authors didn't have cute kid's books to read in her youth, so she wrote them herself. Tolkien is another example.

As I started writing a backstory for the Empire, it started leaking into other parts of MLP as well. I wanted to know where the Changelings came from. Then where the Alicorns came from. And so on. I lost my notes twice when my phone got reset, and built it up again each time. I completely rewrote giant chunks of plot because things changed or questions were answered in the show.
Five years later I'm still going strong and hopefully reaching a point where this thing will finally be out of my head. I love it though, it's been so much fun filling in every little detail.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Bruh MLP is the one thing that one specific toddler ever watched when I babysat her. I’ve been told I sound like Applejack on multiple occasions. And ya know what, that’s okay.

I used to imitate a lot of the characters. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and I still do Granny Smith from time to time. Wish I could do AJ lol.

@PurplePartyTiger language

This series is a first step before I work on some ideas I'd like to get published. I actually made a roleplay chat for one in particular a few years back, on this site. But since I was fairly new to RP at the time it kinda fell through.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I would like to give a shout out to Blue Bloods for giving me my wedding vows for when the time comes. Here they are.
1) I will always have your back. If you fall behind I will wait up.
(2) I will earn your respect and pay you respect every day we have.

(1) I’ll be your scout, your night watchman, your cavalry. 

(2) I’ll be your medic, your chaplain, in our army of two.

(1) No retreat, no surrender. You can count on me.
(2) No retreat, no surrender. You can count on me.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

That's sick. Do you have someone already homie, if you don't mind me asking?

I don’t mind at all! Thank you for asking so kindly though, it meant a lot! Yes, I do in fact have someone 😂. The one, the only, the wildly uncontrollable, and incredibly tall, Viking boi himself, Elias. He’s mentioned in my bio. He’s a walking disaster, but I love him for it. However, I will not lie. The stress and distance between us in college has really really stressed our engagement. It’s hard. But we’re working this out. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He’s my person. The only one I can see myself having a future and kids with later on down the line. He’s the one.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Moving on to more pressing matters:
Aha my manuscript has 103,461 words and 216 pages.
Whoever said writing and editing a novel was easy, lied. They lied so very much.

Don’t mind me suddenly popping in here, but that’s awesome! Big thumbs-up.

And that is so very, very true, lmao!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Moving on to more pressing matters:
Aha my manuscript has 103,461 words and 216 pages.
Whoever said writing and editing a novel was easy, lied. They lied so very much.

Don’t mind me suddenly popping in here, but that’s awesome! Big thumbs-up.

And that is so very, very true, lmao!

Thank ya thank ya. It’s going to be the death of me. Bc I’ve planned for 3 more books after this one I’m writing. Oh stars above imma need help. And a crap ton of espresso.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Moving on to more pressing matters:
Aha my manuscript has 103,461 words and 216 pages.
Whoever said writing and editing a novel was easy, lied. They lied so very much.

Don’t mind me suddenly popping in here, but that’s awesome! Big thumbs-up.

And that is so very, very true, lmao!

Thank ya thank ya. It’s going to be the death of me. Bc I’ve planned for 3 more books after this one I’m writing. Oh stars above imma need help. And a crap ton of espresso.

Lmao! I know that feeling. I have literally hundreds of stories planned (total), but only one is even near close to being ready for editing. And that lone book is part of a trilogy.

@PurplePartyTiger language

I know this isn't a competition but my current project is spread across six books, and I have at least five ideas for stories in the background, some of which may or may not become series themselves and ho-lee this is gonna be a lot of words 😵

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I know this isn't a competition but my current project is spread across six books, and I have at least five ideas for stories in the background, some of which may or may not become series themselves and ho-lee this is gonna be a lot of words 😵

Words are the ranch dressing that make life flavorful

@Starfast group

I know this isn't a competition but my current project is spread across six books, and I have at least five ideas for stories in the background, some of which may or may not become series themselves and ho-lee this is gonna be a lot of words 😵

Honestly that is pretty impressive though. My longest series so far is just a trilogy, plus a prequel. Although I've also got another separate trilogy, a one shot and concept that could end up being anywhere from 1-3 books long.
…And that's not even taking into consideration the amount of other concepts that I've kind of vaguely thought about.

I love writing, but damn it's exhausting sometimes

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Holy… That was an intense experience at work today… 🥵 and the day isn't done yet.
I should clarify that I work in retail and we are finishing up a remodel. So we have a couple of dumpsters outside and one of them caught fire 🔥
Fortunately, no one was hurt, fire was contained, and we didn't have to evacuate. Fire Department and Police showed up pretty fast and took care of it. Though I admit I still have no idea what started it

@PurplePartyTiger language

I know this isn't a competition but my current project is spread across six books, and I have at least five ideas for stories in the background, some of which may or may not become series themselves and ho-lee this is gonna be a lot of words 😵

Honestly that is pretty impressive though. My longest series so far is just a trilogy, plus a prequel. Although I've also got another separate trilogy, a one shot and concept that could end up being anywhere from 1-3 books long.
…And that's not even taking into consideration the amount of other concepts that I've kind of vaguely thought about.

I love writing, but damn it's exhausting sometimes

yeah, when I go through a big spurt of writing I just have to sit back and noooooot when I'm done lol.
Currently consoling myself with the thought that, if I am capable of writing 60,000 words, then I am definitely capable of breaking that number into small chunks and building towards it.