forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Darkblossom group

I have a story that was entirely inspired by a dream and let me tell you that story is unhinged and chaotic and that's my favorite flavor.

Do share pls

WELL thank you for asking! So it starts off in this totally normal setting except everyone's in underground tunnels and no one mentions the weird design choices of said tunnels. Main character Clara finds a lil book placed in a locker by a sloth and the book basically tells her that a few hundred years ago aliens and supernatural beings were released from their separate pocket dimension and have taken over earth and forced the humans into hiding underground. The reason the aliens specifically don't like the humans is because when humans who don't know about the supernatural beings look at them, they are magically turned into something normal that fits into the human perception of the world. To maintain this greatest defense, the humans didn't tell future generations why they were in hiding, so now everybody is what's called an ignorant human. Because of the brain energy spent on ignoring these things, human society hasn't progressed almost at all in the past few hundred years.

Clara apparently believes the book enough to later notice the small, weird supernatural things that happen around the human dwellings. Oh, and she goes looking for the three capsules, the namesake macguffin: once all the capsules (two water bottles and one acorn locket) are opened near each other they'll put all the supernatural things back so human society can recover. Accompanied by a flying sloth named Agon and her crush Erica, they go on a great adventure chased by a purple blob king's minions and eventually Clara gets abducted by aliens and finds the third capsule on the alien planet while under brain control. That's pretty much the whole thing

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

holy crap that is a very cool concept

Thanks! It's one of my favorite ideas :)

i love the flying sloth lol
and the whole aliens hating humans is very interesting :)

It’s Epic. My most recent dream entailed dwarves trying to marry me off to a goblin, me escaping, Jack from Jack and the beanstalk handing me a pistol, the dwarves capturing me and taking me back to the goblin, me aliven’t ing said goblin with said pistol, Jack coming to unlock the door and looking at deceased goblin and goes that’s not how to do it you gotta chop his head off and stick it on the spike and I was like u do u giant slayer and he handled the situation and the dwarves came back with wedding gifts and me and Jack robbed them absolutely blind and steal horses and I go to a portal that leads me back to my world and I walk through it and end up at a Gulf gas station.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

holy crap that is a very cool concept

Thanks! It's one of my favorite ideas :)

i love the flying sloth lol
and the whole aliens hating humans is very interesting :)

It’s Epic. My most recent dream entailed dwarves trying to marry me off to a goblin, me escaping, Jack from Jack and the beanstalk handing me a pistol, the dwarves capturing me and taking me back to the goblin, me aliven’t ing said goblin with said pistol, Jack coming to unlock the door and looking at deceased goblin and goes that’s not how to do it you gotta chop his head off and stick it on the spike and I was like u do u giant slayer and he handled the situation and the dwarves came back with wedding gifts and me and Jack robbed them absolutely blind and steal horses and I go to a portal that leads me back to my world and I walk through it and end up at a Gulf gas station.

Holy fantasy inspired dream Winter! Lol

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Closest thing I’ve had like that is a druggie comes up and ask to marry me at a gas station and without batting an eye Elias looks at this man and goes if you can afford to feed her you can have her. And this druggie collapsed in a puddle of their own tears and I was like bruh
👁👄👁 u did not try to give me to a druggie, and the next thing he goes is welcome to the semi married life lol and I was like yeah okay 😂

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Not even gonna lie, fights just aren’t worth it. Spats with your significant other aren’t important unless they are. For example, arguing over the past and what is there is not something to argue about. Past relationships and past mistakes are in the past and acknowledge them and move on. Fair arguments are about money, the relationship status and setting boundaries, and how you’re going to grow and develop in the future. If that makes sense. Only argue if it will build your relationship. And don’t even “fight”. Sit down like a civilized person and sit your significant other down like a civilized person and talk it out like adults. And if you’re both angry, set a timer where you don’t talk to each other or do anything near each other to give yourself a chance to cool down. And then when the timer goes off, you go have a civilized conversation. Be an adult about it. Be the bigger person. Because that’s how relationships grow.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Heyo, not too bad :D I was doing archery over the winter, focused less on my writing. Now I'm back. Yesterday I got a good chunk of work done.

Nice! Big proud. What’s your writing on?

So, it's about My Little Pony lmao.
I started it almost five years ago as a wee lass, and I'd like to finish it one day. If only to get it out of my head.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Heyo, not too bad :D I was doing archery over the winter, focused less on my writing. Now I'm back. Yesterday I got a good chunk of work done.

Nice! Big proud. What’s your writing on?

So, it's about My Little Pony lmao.
I started it almost five years ago as a wee lass, and I'd like to finish it one day. If only to get it out of my head.

That’s a mood.

@PurplePartyTiger language

So, it's about My Little Pony lmao.
I started it almost five years ago as a wee lass, and I'd like to finish it one day. If only to get it out of my head.

That’s a mood.

Tell me about it XD

@PurplePartyTiger language

To tell you the truth, I don't often tell people I'm writing this, let alone that it's based on MLP, unless they happen to be fans of the show as well. People don't take us seriously due to the social stigma for our community. I can't say I blame them, but there are some good eggs.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Yeah. I can relate to both sides of your statement.

I know I'm not the “target demographic” but I actually enjoyed MLP; FiM. I haven't seen the next generation yet but I hear it’s good.

And in general, I don't really talk a lot about what I’m writing… Except on this site. Not a lot of judgment, people help you with ideas, and the constructive criticism is actually constructive.