forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have the palate of a toddler, so taking me out to places to eat is kinda futile

I have the palate of a raccoon. Anything and everything except for like the three things that I will not touch or will possibly kill me. Like raw seafood? Yes. A whole pineapple without getting attacked by the pineapple back? Yes. I have the food tolerance of a god. I’m not picky lol. I’ll take what I can get lol.


I have been summoned by the topic of food.

Yes! Do you have any food that you love or hate?

I hate chocolate. Most of the people I know like it, but I just never liked the taste of it. Also pickles and black olives. Other than those, I'll eat pretty much anything.


my sister just barged into my room to annoy me by (very off-key) singing some Bruno Mars song.

I high-key forgot Bruno friggin Mars existed

okay but same tho XD

If Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber yeeted themselves from this earth and ceased to exist, I could have some semblance of peace.

bruh same lol

So I mentioned this in one of my classes today and promptly set this random guy off, he got so mad at me and was like "tHeSe PeOpLe HaVe CaReErS aNd FaNbAsEs AnD yOu CaN't JuSt wIsH tO yEeT tHeM oFf tHe EaRtH tHaT's So InSeNsItIvE" and so on and so forth for a solid minute in front of the entire class like I was joking but okay

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I would have been like lmao starting with u homie and would have smacked him. In the wise words of Bigweld from Robots, “See a need, Fill a need.” And my guy I would have seen a need to smack him and I would have filled that need.

This is now one of my favorite posts!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I would have been like lmao starting with u homie and would have smacked him. In the wise words of Bigweld from Robots, “See a need, Fill a need.” And my guy I would have seen a need to smack him and I would have filled that need.

This is now one of my favorite posts!!

Ya see Homie, I’m a whole comedian. But my whole routine is roasting myself and those who dare try to oppose me 😂


Prove me wrong, but PB&J is elite after a swim or any out door activity. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

PB&Js are best after anything

I agree with that statement

I hate peanut butter with a passion. Along with carrots. Can’t stand either of them.

le gasp
I love peanut butter but i don't blame u with the carrot thing, they're not great.

Carrots are awful unless cooked. That’s the only time I’ll tolerate them

I am the exact opposite, raw with ranch ONLY

The only acceptable form of cooked carrots is candied carrots

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Prove me wrong, but PB&J is elite after a swim or any out door activity. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

PB&Js are best after anything

I agree with that statement

I hate peanut butter with a passion. Along with carrots. Can’t stand either of them.

le gasp
I love peanut butter but i don't blame u with the carrot thing, they're not great.

Carrots are awful unless cooked. That’s the only time I’ll tolerate them

I am the exact opposite, raw with ranch ONLY

The only acceptable form of cooked carrots is candied carrots

Carrot cake!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

If there is one thing on this planet that I absolutely cannot do well, it’s math. It’s horrible. I currently have a 63 and I’ve never had a grade this low in my life.

Ah yes, math. One of the reasons why I was in special education! Did surprisingly well in algebra though!


You know if I have to live with Anxiety at least when I get to that in-between amount of anxious that's more than the living level, but not enough to leave me immobilized I end up being really productive. My room, clean. The Closet, organized and cleaned out. My earing's, organized and put into the new earing holder that I also just made. My laundry, folded.