forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@CaseyJ group

I had to write a story in english, someone PLEASE read dying to know if its good or not…I made a 25/50 on it..but my friends say it makes them cry.

warning - this does not have a happy ending.

I agree with Winter, it needs serious editing; but the spirit of the story is there, and I can tell why your friends cried.

Yeah, I wrote it in a bit of a half-arsed rush at first. and changed a lot.


I'm pretty sure my bird said a racial slur and idk where he heard it- He usually just mimics phone notifications, dog toys, or just says Hi and stuff like a normal bird would.

Mcscuse me what 😂

@Space group

I just dyed my hair black again! It's kinda a tradition for my mental breakdowns but I'm really happy with how it looks.
Also, I found a video on my phone I must've taken by accident. It's just 4 minutes of my face while I'm listening to this lady telling me how her car is a piece of junk and needs an exorcism. Like she didn't even take a breath or anything just ranted. But it's pretty funny.

@Space group

I'm most likely going to spend the next 4 days with my Grandfather (he has dementia and needs someone to take care of him). The downside is it is in the middle of nowhere, with no internet, and my room is an old dusty loft that smells like mothballs. There's miles of woods in the area, most of which is our private land, so I'm looking forward to exploring it.
Usually I wouldn't care about not having internet, but I have school work I need to complete.


I have to write an honors essay over an event but I need proof that I attended, which I can't because I attended via phone call, so I couldn't exactly prove that I attended. Life is great and I hate everything

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

@Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire that mynoise thing is awesome!

Yeah man I kno 😂 I only use the top tier stuff.

haha same my friend

Top tier garbage gangggggg

YUS where do I sign up lol

@Darkblossom group

You ever read a book/watch a movie and someone's being really annoying or mean to the main character, and you just want the main character to punch them in the face, but of course social norms exist and they can't? I'm doing it. Someone's getting punched in the face, and MC is going to deal with the consequences.