forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I randomly decided to send my girlfriend a cute picture of one of our comfort characters every morning since she gets stressed easily and we can't talk while I'm at school. (She's homeschooled, for context) Today's character (and maybe most days' character) is Gonta Gokuhara from Danganronpa V3. It's super random, but I wanted to share.

@Space group

Turns out I’m really good at dyeing hair. Like really good. Hmu I’ll dye your hair no questions asked.

I dye my hair very often because I can't stand my natural hair color. (It's Orange/brown. I got made fun of in elementary a lot for having 'red hair' and it looks awful on me. Why do other girls look hot with it XD) So I usually dye it VERY dark brown if I want a natural look but other times I'll add teal ends or teal to the roots.

@Space group

I'm also trying out some new ADD medications. I honestly don't think it's helping at all, I think it's making me hyper more than anything. (My ADD is like I can stare at a wall for hours and space out and can't pay attention not hyper usually. Although when I go to Hobby Lobby I tend to completely blow up and go around getting insanely excited over cute plants). Perhaps it's also causing loss of appetite because I haven't eaten at all and when I tried I gagged on it even though it's usually my favorite food. Although …I also lost my taste due to having covid and haven't gotten it back yet so idk. This ontop of my existing eating disorders may end badly.


Yeah a lot of ADD/ADHD meds cause a loss in apatite and increase your metabolism, a lot of them double as weight loss meds and are used to treat some ED's, sense that could become a problem I highly recommend you stick with it for another week or two and if your body doesn't adjust definitely talk to someone about that.
This is all stuff you should be able to find in the papers they give you when you are prescribed something so I also recommend you read those, just don't freak out when it tells you a bunch of weird side effects.


It's the opposite for a lot of anti- depressants they can cause an increase in appetite and weight gain, which is why it is harder to treat people who have multiple mental health concerns and why it's important to see a Psychiatrists before you get your meds if you have the opportunity to. This is also why you need to tell said Psychiatrists about all of the issues so you can get treated properly with out causing a different aspect of your mental health to get worse. And also when meds do have bad side effects like actually say something instead of just living with it.

That's all, that's the end of my rant. Also actually take your meds and don't suddenly come off them, that is very bad not good will cause mental health to tank, Meds very finicky following instruction much important.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Medication is entirely opposite for me. Doctors and other people alike say it’s best for me not to have it. Medicine that calms people down boosts their metabolism, cranks me up and I gain weight. Medicine that is supposed to make me interact and help me focus leaves me feeling slow and sluggish and scatterbrained. That is why I am no longer allowed near Adderal. The only thing that is like kinda effective is caffeine. And for it to actually work, I have to have 400-600 milligrams. Which is at least 2 high energy drinks. I’m just built different. It’s kinda funky. Also, went to the doctor today bc why not, and found out that I’m one of few people that has natural fighting ability and high tolerance to covid. So, they are gonna do more tests, but uh, they said and I quote, “Don’t get vaxxed until we understand why you’re so different.” And I was like whoa homie ur saying I’m special? And they were like yeah and we don’t know why. And so I brought in the question of my allergies that I though were covid and they were like nah. That was just allergies and I was like huh? Anyways, found out that I’ve never had covid and they are like we wanna see if you get it in general and I’m like so I’m a guinea pig? And they’re like Y E S. So either I’m a super soldier or the immortal thing isn’t a joke anymore.

@Space group

Yeah I'm on medications and boost bars for depression and adhd and have definitely dealt with the ups and downs your body goes through when adjusting. I've been taking my anxiety/depression meds for a LONG TIME but I'm not sure they're helping.
but on a happy note FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I feel genuinely happy and confident in my looks and body. I dyed my hair darker and got some outfits that make me feel strong and confident and cannot even begin to explain how good it feels to be able to look in a mirror and feel pretty and not want to cry and hide myself from others. (Well actually I still feel insecure about my chest because I get made fun of for being flat-chested, but at least I don't hate myself for it anymore.)

@CaseyJ group

Yeah a lot of ADD/ADHD meds cause a loss in apatite and increase your metabolism, a lot of them double as weight loss meds and are used to treat some ED's, sense that could become a problem I highly recommend you stick with it for another week or two and if your body doesn't adjust definitely talk to someone about that.
This is all stuff you should be able to find in the papers they give you when you are prescribed something so I also recommend you read those, just don't freak out when it tells you a bunch of weird side effects.

Yk I have been on meds like those for years and not once have I read the papers..


but on a happy note FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I feel genuinely happy and confident in my looks and body. I dyed my hair darker and got some outfits that make me feel strong and confident and cannot even begin to explain how good it feels to be able to look in a mirror and feel pretty and not want to cry and hide myself from others. (Well actually I still feel insecure about my chest because I get made fun of for being flat-chested, but at least I don't hate myself for it anymore.)


@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

My father tried to put me on medicine for… probably half a dozen things when I was a kid and didn't know how much of an @$$ he was. He even had me tested by 3 or 5 different doctors (I forget which it was) and only one of them said I was low-level Asperger's Syndrome.


My father tried to put me on medicine for… probably half a dozen things when I was a kid and didn't know how much of an @$$ he was. He even had me tested by 3 or 5 different doctors (I forget which it was) and only one of them said I was low-level Asperger's Syndrome.

Aye I'm an Aspie


In other news, I ordered myself a birthday present and it was supposed to be here today but it hasn't gotten here and I'm sad

Don’t worry I can make you smile!

So you'll give me your sword as my birthday present?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

In other news, I ordered myself a birthday present and it was supposed to be here today but it hasn't gotten here and I'm sad

Don’t worry I can make you smile!

So you'll give me your sword as my birthday present?

Nah that was an engagement present. I can give you a good joke tho.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Imma give you some wise advice. Get to know the people before you offer your snap. Like I know you’ve been here for like 2 years, but I rarely see you. For all you know I could be some horrible person trynna to aliven’t you. I’m not, and the people here know I’m not, but hun, don’t offer to hand out something that shows your life so openly, to people you’ve never even really spoken with before on the internet. Bad things can happen. I know no one on this thread would want to hurt you, but I can’t speak for everyone on this site. Just be careful, alright?