forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I have not dated anyone in my life before but i am crushing the thing is its on someone of the same sex as me and everyone in my town is homophobic and its considered an lgbt free zone
Im not even in the relationship and my heart is already getting broken

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Love hurts and it’s not supposed to be all wonderful and sunshine 24/7. It’s a burden

Um Winter

Are you going to tell me I’m wrong? I mean it is. People who love another suffer the fate of dealing with their own mess and their partners. Love isn’t going to feel good all of the time. Think of it as a match. You and your partner burn bright, but sometimes you burn out and that’s when it hurts the most. Speaking from experience lol.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I’m trying to explain it. It’s like what happened in quarantine. People who had just started dating got super close with their person who spent every waking day with someone, who collectively knew what they were doing and what was going on with them 24/7 is became burdensome because you couldn’t go out and do to relieve tension and stress. That’s what happens with people who jump in relationships and go go go. Move to fast and you jump right off the cliff. Burn out. And the experience I’m talking about is pre Elias. We’ve taken things very slow. And I am grateful. Now it’s 3 in the morning and I have decided that driving in the dark is the best possible decision. I’m going on a joyride lol. Wish me luck. Maybe I’ll find Bigfoot or something.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Maybe I’ll find Bigfoot or something.

Did you find Bigfoot?

No but a man on the side of the road scared the ever loving jeebus outta me. He wanted to hitch hike and I was on a nice dirt road and he was like ayyyyyyy and I was like AHHHHHHHHH NO

Smart on not giving him a ride, Win!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Maybe I’ll find Bigfoot or something.

Did you find Bigfoot?

No but a man on the side of the road scared the ever loving jeebus outta me. He wanted to hitch hike and I was on a nice dirt road and he was like ayyyyyyy and I was like AHHHHHHHHH NO

Smart on not giving him a ride, Win!

I was tempted too. But alas I didn’t have my pistol.

Deleted user

I am now a level 37 on Pokémon GO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm only level 18 T^T

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hi so bored I am Winter


What can be done to stop me??? Kill me? How do you kill an immortal? And If you say that snail, I will come back with a logical argument that will prevent the snail from ever getting me. I can and I will do it. This is specifically a challenge for Dom to question me. And lol I’ve been doing it for millennia. That snail ain’t got nothing on me.

@Tidermelon group

I am now a level 37 on Pokémon GO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm only level 18 T^T

I may only be level 24, but I caught a full odds shiny Drowzee last week so I have bragging rights for that

Deleted user

I am now a level 37 on Pokémon GO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm only level 18 T^T

I may only be level 24, but I caught a full odds shiny Drowzee last week so I have bragging rights for that

I caught like 50 pokemon yesterday and I got a shiny butterfree with the bow on it