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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've seen the re-make of My Bloody Valentine [2009], which stars the incredibly talented Jensen Ackles before, but have yet to watch the original. It's been a few years since I watched it. I plan on watching both of them and then writing a fan-fic where both get a crossover with Supernatural (naturally). Lol


The world hates me.
So I wrote a song when I was crying over my best friend (at the time) who had switched schools, when he switched he promised me a bunch of things like he would still come and support the band so on and so forth, (he didn't) And my other best friend (at the time) who ditched me for her boyfriend. Basically it's just saying, You left me, you broke promises and flat out lied to me, that's not cool and I'm bitter about it.
So I recently rediscovered this song when going through my notebooks and I was like, that's funny He literally broke another few promises he made to me like this week, This song is relevant about the same person again. So on my close friends story I was like, Look it's this song I wrote a while ago but it's still relevant because I keep giving people more chances than they deserve. Put the song and everything is fine.

Realized 3 minutes later that I put it on my public story instead and he was the only one to see it before I deleted it. Like I said the world hates me. Like I don't mention him specifically in the thing and he's usually very very oblivious so maybe, maybe he wont have gotten it. But like, uuuuughhh why does the world hate me.

@Katastrophic group

Saw a pair of pretty helix cuff-to-piercing chain earrings that made my brain go brr
the problem is my ears are not pierced and I'm very much a low pain tolerance person with a fear of needles. But also clip-ons hurt and continue to hurt while my friend pointed out if I do it right piercings hurt once for a few days and then I can wear earrings whenever I want and not put them off for special only occasions cause they hurt.

On one hand, ouch no thanks, but on the other, sparkly dangly makes my goblin brain happy so idk

@Katastrophic group

I'd say get piercings.

I am so very tempted, but I have to wait until after mid-July cause my fam planned a waterpark trip and that sounds like a great environment for infections. Any of you who've gotten piercings, is it more or less painful than a vaccine/drawing?

@tungsten fastfood

It's less painful than needles, but I myself have a good time with pain because I have a high tolerance. I think of piercings and the after look instead of the pain they bring and that helps a lot.

@FuzzySocksElias group

(/pos /lh) i watched infinity train expecting i dunno like an odd cartoon, i didnt know really anything except what ryan looked like when I started it, now I've watched it, one-one is amazing, rymin is everything, simon is a terrible person but he's also kinda… cute, I miss tuba, hazel is amazing, and the cat is one of the best characters. and my most liked post on Instagram is min-gi fanart lol i love this show 100/10 would definitely recommend (renew infinity train!!! it deserves a book 5!!!!)

@Mojack group

Forgot to mention but yesterday I got my vaccine :) first dosage at least!

My brain made things worse lol. It was actually over in two seconds, barely even hurt. My arm’s still sore but honestly pain’s not as bad as I expected. Also helped that they were super organized and accommodating.

I guess this is sort of my first step to getting over my fear of needles?

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

Once I went to a party and met a girl for the first time and developed a crush on her so huge I had a full blow bisexual panic session and texted my best friend in terror The same night after we went home. When I woke up the next morning I thought I had dreamt the girl so I had to reread my texts from my BFF to remember that the girl was not a figment of my imagination.

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

I have a plan to get murdered at the ripe ole age of 42069 and then end up on Buzzfeed’s Unsolved list. After the autopsy has been completed, my body will be launched into space with all of my fingers but my two middle ones glued down. The angry skeleton will become part of the solar system.