forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It's a train wreck. Here's a line that made me go wtf:

BUTTERCUP: I'm not wearing that dress anymore. It's compulsory heterosexual.

I like that they made Buttercup part of the LGBTQ+ community, but what in the actual fuck is that shit!? 🤣

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So a church group of college kids decided hey let's invite the Alaskan to the whitest thing we can. Oooh I know Golf. And this stupid idiot, meaning me, myself, and I, agreed. I have no idea how to golf. And Elias isn't with me. He had to work. And I'm literally like alright YouTube help me out fam. I gotta look cultured. I have about an hour to learn how to play golf from YouTube 😂

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nah we ended up playing for distance. It was at top golf so it was unlimitedh and I did a few practice rounds. I figured put how to actually hit the ball with a driver and so I just started smacking the ball. It worked most of the time. It wasn't actual golf and I liked that 😂

@Mojack group

The Godzilla anime is releasing on my birthday (June 24th) on Netflix, and I’m looking forwards to watching it at last

Also have to get my vaccine tomorrow
First needle in years :)

@Tidermelon group

The Godzilla anime is releasing on my birthday (June 24th) on Netflix, and I’m looking forwards to watching it at last

Also have to get my vaccine tomorrow
First needle in years :)

hold up
there’s a Godzilla anime?

@Mojack group

The Godzilla anime is releasing on my birthday (June 24th) on Netflix, and I’m looking forwards to watching it at last

Also have to get my vaccine tomorrow
First needle in years :)

hold up
there’s a Godzilla anime?

There’s a recent one and then a movie trilogy from a few years ago (not connected to the recent one)

The trilogy

The anime series

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

The Godzilla anime is releasing on my birthday (June 24th) on Netflix, and I’m looking forwards to watching it at last

Also have to get my vaccine tomorrow
First needle in years :)

hold up
there’s a Godzilla anime?

There’s a recent one and then a movie trilogy from a few years ago (not connected to the recent one)

The trilogy

The anime series

I had the Johnson and Johnson one done. I was fine for the rest of the day, but had a horrible headache the next day and couldn't stand up or I'd fall. Keep massaging the injection sight as much as you can after you get it.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(Fictional news article from one of my stories, which I've already shared with Winter. What y'all think?)

by Randy Burger

@Pizzaz11 group

(Fictional news article from one of my stories, which I've already shared with Winter. What y'all think?)

by Randy Burger

:0 that felt like an actual news article!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(Fictional news article from one of my stories, which I've already shared with Winter. What y'all think?)

by Randy Burger

:0 that felt like an actual news article!


@Tidermelon group

Can I just rant about competitive Pokémon real quick? Today, it occurred to me how amazing a duo of Ion Deluge Motor Drive Zebstrika and Punk Rock STAB Boomburst Toxtricity would be, if Ion Deluge and Zebstrika were in Gen 8 in the first place. The sad thing is, Nat Dex Doubles doesn’t seem to be a format anywhere — nobody on Showdown! wants to talk about it. I go to the VGC room, nobody responds. I go to Nat Dex, they tell me to go to Doubles, I get the grand idea to go to Other Metagames instead. I go to Other Metagames, they at least seem interested in the idea but tell me it’s not for the OM room. I ask them where to go instead, they tell me there’s really nowhere to go for it unless I want to try something like a Nat Dex STAAAB Doubles format in Other Metagame Mashups. It’s honestly quite frustrating. The best I can do is wait for the Sinnoh remakes to come out and hope for the best — if they’ve only got Sinnoh Pokémon, though, then it looks like I’ve got to wait until Gen 9 to try my strategy out. That is, unless GAMEFREAK decides to release a patch to Sword and Shield to add back all the missing Pokémon and moves, the former of which is believable but the latter of which isn’t.

In short, for all those who are non-Pokémon fans, I have this really cool strategy that only works using two specific characters (one with a move that will make the other one drastically better) but in the newest two games one of those characters (the one with the good move) doesn’t exist, and in the ones where it does, the other one doesn’t exist. So I have to wait until November (when the remakes of the games one generation before the first of the two characters came out) for even a sliver of a chance that both characters will be included. If not, the ones after them releasing in early 2022 are practically confirmed not to, so that means I have to wait until around 2024 to put my strategy into use. Also, nobody wants to talk about it with me, so I’m stuck with having to wait four years to even discuss it.