forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

Exactly ^^
But for real… This is not the day, or the week, for me to deal with this crap. I have this sadness crushing my chest and I feel like I could spill tears at any second. I just feel so broken. It's like I'm just trying to pull myself together when I'm falling apart at the seams and nobody cares.

@requiemisback language

me: [attempting to write a thought-out email to my math teacher]
also me, pulling up that one video of a pufferfish eating a carrot, prepared to send it to her while asking about what the slope is for number 11: this'll do

@Katastrophic group

Firstly, here's a hs thing for yall to use and abuse:
email hack/template (include some suck-up, make their class seem very important to you):

Hello/good morning mx. teacher,
Sentence why you are emailing. Sentence what you need from them. Sentence explaining why its important and you want to do good in their class.
Thank you,

Good Morning Ms. Smith,
I'm contacting you because I'm concerned about Generic Project 2. I don't think I can meet the deadline, can I have an extra few days to finish it? I'm struggling to finish due to x reasons outside of my control and I want to do well on this.
Thank you,
Student Name

Secondly, Space, it really sucks. Sometimes life just keeps dropping more and more pieces on you when you already have too much to hold, and when you don't have people to help hold the pieces it can get too overwhelming. Ask for help where you can. Family, close friends, teachers who can actually help. Ask the teachers who are being jerks. It's their job to teach you after all, and talking in person, as scary as it is, is more effective (I would not recommend breaking down in front of said teachers, but it can be surprisingly effective.) If your school has a counselor, ask them and explain what's going on. Lastly, if you can't carry everything, some things can be dropped. At the end of the day, high school grades are important for very few things in life, and a few bad ones won't matter at that.


I just want to cry… this is too stressful. I never get a break here. This school is hell and I constantly get threatened and nobody on staff cares

defense mode activated
uhm, what?
if you're getting threatened they need to do something about it.

@Space group

TW Violence, Assault.
Please don't read if sensitive to these topics

Guess you missed the drama.
I hate to vent here repeatedly but yeah…
The main issue here: My ex-boyfriend sexually assaulted me and after I broke up with him then he threatened to bust my skull against the wall and leave me dead in a ditch. I reported him for the assault and death threats and they basically said "His parents are so nice though we don't believe he'd do that." but they talked to him. He of course denied everything so I GOT SUSPENDED. I had to go to a meeting with school board and police officers and they basically said I needed to leave him alone and stop bullying him and I'm actually the one who assaulted him. Then they publicly humiliated me and said I was lying. So now I have to listen to him and his sister telling me to kms and how they plan to kill me


bro once i emailed my teacher asking if i could make up a quiz i missed and she told me no and i asked her why not and she sent me an entire essay on why i need to manage my time better

@Space group

I hear him talk about bringing guns to school and shit. But I'm the one marked as dangerous and I have to sit away from everyone in classes and can't ride the bus (if I do it's right behind the driver) and everyone is scared of me because he's spreading rumors that I'm the violent one


I hear him talk about bringing guns to school and shit. But I'm the one marked as dangerous and I have to sit away from everyone in classes and can't ride the bus (if I do it's right behind the driver) and everyone is scared of me because he's spreading rumors that I'm the violent one

honestly why do people do this shit?
its so fucking-
like what the hell-
that pisses me off to no avail.
You should try to get proof of the shit hes saying.

@Space group

They had video evidence on the school/bus cameras of him threatening me and the sexual assault but they didn't do anything

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hello/good morning mx. teacher,
Sentence why you are emailing. Sentence what you need from them. Sentence explaining why its important and you want to do good in their class.
Thank you,

Good Morning Ms. Smith,
I'm contacting you because I'm concerned about Generic Project 2. I don't think I can meet the deadline, can I have an extra few days to finish it? I'm struggling to finish due to x reasons outside of my control and I want to do well on this.
Thank you,
Student Name

Kat you're a lifesaver


They had video evidence on the school/bus cameras of him threatening me and the sexual assault but they didn't do anything


@Space group

He also had a girlfriend before me and he told me they broke up before he asked me out. I said yes because I thought he was a sweet guy. The Gf was one of my bestfriends and it turns out they were actually still dating so it put her into depression and a fight with me because I 'betrayed' her. I told her everything and she experienced similar abuse but not to the same extent. We have tried getting justice but no one does shit. We literally both just cry together sometimes about it.

@Space group

He'd also tell me that people in my friend group were saying terrible shit about me to get me to stay away from them and destroy our friendships

@Katastrophic group

Record everything. Save every text, email, and writing. Record conversations and keep backups so they can't do anything if they take your phone. Make a folder of all the evidence and research who is higher up than the people you talk to. Everyone has someone else in charge of them in a school district, when you have the evidence organized then contact them. If the dicks in charge won't do anything about it, go over their heads. If he directly threatens or touches you, contact the police. You can use the non-emergency line to ask them what you can do about it if you have evidence of a threat, harassment, or any type of assault. You might be able to get a restraining order which the school has to listen to.



@Space group

It pisses me off that people just allow this to happen and let people get away with it. Especially when their excuse is "you were asking for it"

@CaseyJ group

I am going to be honest, over the summer one of my step cousins were staying with our nana. And it was his last night and he asked me to stay there with him. She had went to bed so it was only me and him, he flirted and well I flirted back but he wanted to do more and I said "no, its a bad idea" 'course he didn't listen to me…this is why I have trust issues.

@requiemisback language


See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image

thank you for blessing my eyes with this
this is now my new emotional support animal

@Space group

I feel like I'm fucking invisible. I've been crying for at least 30 minutes now and nobody even fucking cares. All my "so called friends" are just screaming and laughing together and I'm here sobbing my eyes out. No one even asked if I'm ok. No one has talked to me all day. I swear I'm invisible. It's like the sixth sense like I've been dead this whole time and they don't even see me

@Space group

Even if I stare at someone they don't make eye contact with me.. I tried talking no one responds. I'm pretty sure I don't exist….