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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It is fun! There's the bonus of beautiful scenery and great exercise too! I always make sure to buy a bag of trail mix or something and a big jug of Gold Peak tea before the ride, and of course take my portable battery pack, chargers, phone and speaker. The ride starts early in the morning (7 or 8) and lasts well into the afternoon. If I go all the way to get lunch I also keep money on me for a doughnut shop stop! 😁

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've played softball games in one hundred degree weather wearing literal body armor that cooks me like a rotessiere chicken and I still would not ride a bike for 60 miles. If I were to do it, somebody better have some deeeeepppp pockets to take me anywhere I want to go eat and anywhere I want to go shop later on.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

For example:
The first snack/rest area is in my hometown. If I started here and rode to the second snack/rest area it would be 11.8 miles. Continuing on from there to go get lunch is another 9.1 miles. Adding that up equals 20.9 miles.

I even make my own rest stops along the way to stretch, get a drink and pull something from the snack stach that I've acquired.

@Pizzaz11 group

Tfw you write some really good dialogue between two of your ocs, like it, then in a moment of brain dead-ness try looking them up on Ao3 because you want to read more of them

@Pizzaz11 group

Rain literally turns me into a hibernating bear. I don't want to get up and I don't want to do anything.

Me too.

I think everyone does.

I'm the kind of person who goes outside and runs around in the rain everytime, but then regrets getting wet. I never learn my lesson.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Rain literally turns me into a hibernating bear. I don't want to get up and I don't want to do anything.

Rain typically calms me down, along with cloudy skies. Thunder and strong wind scares me