forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I dunno due to the two storms last year, (bc 2020) so now I tend to associate them with descruction, power outages, and darkness

Yeah, thunderstorms can be destructive and horrifying, but for me that's part of the beauty. There's just something about the power of them that I admire, respect, and honesty somewhat fear. I don't quite know how to explain it… It's an awesome thing to watch (from a safe location, of course).

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Okay, after putting it off I have finished The Institute, and give it a 8.5/10 rating on a scale from 1 to 10. Y'all have read my brief, random comments on the book in this thread and know that it has… sensitive material in it. However, the powerfully intense climax is what earned the rating (I was going to say 7.5 before I finished).

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

My mom is making me change schools because the situation with my ex has gotten so bad

Good, fortunately they won't be able to hurt you again

I’m praying that for you Space.

… Like Syguy, I’m a Christian. I hope that doesn't bother anyone.

@Space group

It's for the best, Space. Is she going to let you finish out the rest of this year, or are you going to be switching schools ASAP?

She is letting me finish the year, but honestly idk if I can make it

@Space group

My mom is making me change schools because the situation with my ex has gotten so bad

Good, fortunately they won't be able to hurt you again

I’m praying that for you Space.

… Like Syguy, I’m a Christian. I hope that doesn't bother anyone.

I was raised in a Christian family so it doesn't bother me at all!

@Space group

A lot of people are pissed that I have to move. Most of the girls are, which is good because they all are popular and won't hesitate to beat someone's ass.
All the guys either don't know about it or are on his side.


Every teenager is troubled with school but no one does anything about it. Parents say “it's all because of that phone,” or “it's just because of the social media you use.” When we try and tell them what’s going on they say “It’s all because of that phone you see back when i was ur age…” Yeah we get it ur life was pitch perfect but now there's insecurities, body shaming, that one girl or guy everyone wants to look like.
Then school isn’t any better, many teens get told at school by other students that they hate each other, and sometimes more than u think, the reason people hate others are just from rumors. Teachers say to ask for help but when you actually do they just tell you to pay attention more, even if you are trying as hard as possible, if you ask a teacher if you can do more work for extra credit they say, “maybe if u worked harder you wouldn’t need the bonus points,” and then they don’t even let u try for bonus points.
Society is worse overall, girls for example, you wear makeup your a try hard, you don't wear makeup your a loser. If you have a belly your fat, if you are skinny you need to eat. For guys, you study your a nerd, you don’t study your failure. You're not on the football team, no girl likes you, but for the guys who are on the team, they get girls falling all over them, special treatment from teachers, and their picture everywhere.
LGBTQ+ teens gets treated like crap honestly. They get told by people they really trusted,” It's just for attention” they lose many friends over this. Even if a girl were to ask to get her hair cut into a pixie cut some moms say “Why do u wanna be a boy?” No some don’t but if they did what's wrong with that. And guys, if they wanna grow their hair long some dads say,” no its not manly” or “why so u can be a girl, absolutely not” If you are LGBT you're told “it's just a phase you’ll get over it” no they won't and even if they do let us be us not you. The one thing I hear that really makes me angry is,” It was adam and Eve not Adam and Steve,”and for anyone who got told this or thinks they will here's an explanation straight from “God’s” words “Eve was made truly of one of Adam’s ribs and was then female.” So yes it wasn’t Adam and Steve because Steve is her deadname.
When teens get bad grades they get told their not trying hard enough, their failure, etc. But in reality their getting bad grades most of the time because they don’t understand and they’re scared to ask questions because they are scared they will get called dumb or stupid. Parents, have you ever thought they dont understand maybe just maybe because they have 6 classes, ELA, Math, Social studies, Science, music, and health, which they have to study all of that for weekly quizzes they recieve. Next time they don’t want to study dont say their lazy thoughts, maybe they wanna take a break from studying since they do it everyday.
In conclusion I think in my opinion as a fellow teen, teenagers should be not judged and more understood. I think that people should at least try and understand what they're going through.

@requiemisback language

Every teenager is troubled with school but no one does anything about it. Parents say “it's all because of that phone,” or “it's just because of the social media you use.” When we try and tell them what’s going on they say “It’s all because of that phone you see back when i was ur age…” Yeah we get it ur life was pitch perfect but now there's insecurities, body shaming, that one girl or guy everyone wants to look like.
Then school isn’t any better, many teens get told at school by other students that they hate each other, and sometimes more than u think, the reason people hate others are just from rumors. Teachers say to ask for help but when you actually do they just tell you to pay attention more, even if you are trying as hard as possible, if you ask a teacher if you can do more work for extra credit they say, “maybe if u worked harder you wouldn’t need the bonus points,” and then they don’t even let u try for bonus points.
Society is worse overall, girls for example, you wear makeup your a try hard, you don't wear makeup your a loser. If you have a belly your fat, if you are skinny you need to eat. For guys, you study your a nerd, you don’t study your failure. You're not on the football team, no girl likes you, but for the guys who are on the team, they get girls falling all over them, special treatment from teachers, and their picture everywhere.
LGBTQ+ teens gets treated like crap honestly. They get told by people they really trusted,” It's just for attention” they lose many friends over this. Even if a girl were to ask to get her hair cut into a pixie cut some moms say “Why do u wanna be a boy?” No some don’t but if they did what's wrong with that. And guys, if they wanna grow their hair long some dads say,” no its not manly” or “why so u can be a girl, absolutely not” If you are LGBT you're told “it's just a phase you’ll get over it” no they won't and even if they do let us be us not you. The one thing I hear that really makes me angry is,” It was adam and Eve not Adam and Steve,”and for anyone who got told this or thinks they will here's an explanation straight from “God’s” words “Eve was made truly of one of Adam’s ribs and was then female.” So yes it wasn’t Adam and Steve because Steve is her deadname.
When teens get bad grades they get told their not trying hard enough, their failure, etc. But in reality their getting bad grades most of the time because they don’t understand and they’re scared to ask questions because they are scared they will get called dumb or stupid. Parents, have you ever thought they dont understand maybe just maybe because they have 6 classes, ELA, Math, Social studies, Science, music, and health, which they have to study all of that for weekly quizzes they recieve. Next time they don’t want to study dont say their lazy thoughts, maybe they wanna take a break from studying since they do it everyday.
In conclusion I think in my opinion as a fellow teen, teenagers should be not judged and more understood. I think that people should at least try and understand what they're going through.

love the message here but also like
holy shit that's a whole fucking essay

@Space group

Yeah only a few of my close friends know I'm Pansexual. I think that backlash would be too much for me. Especially since my family is racists and homophobic.