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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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My gf cheated on me and got with my "so-called" best friend💔😔

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright. People who actually come up with good ideas that are original are absolutely amazing. Like the person who invented cookies and Ice cream. Absolutely amazing. On the other hand people who come up with original ideas thats are bad, for example a guy who tried to do an amputation without being a doctor or any medical training and going like yeah it'll work and then mutters unders his breath something like wtf am I supposed to do, or I'm not drunk enough for this, now that's a bad orginal idea. Like if the idea isn't original that's okay. They're in the middle of the spectrum. Think of it that way. They didn't have a catastrophic idea and they didn't have a brilliant idea, but at least they used their brain. Also Peer Pressure. The feelings of not wanting to be left our or left behind. Those are all valid too.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

well, i'm meaning more of people who just copy what everyone does, and can't stand up for what they believe in and feel. i know people with original ideas are amazing, as that's how new things are created, and they can also be bad if they create negative things, but that wasn't really what i was talking about. and i do understand peer pressure as well, but it's very frustrating when you're around someone who can't do anything original and just follows whatever everyone else is doing all the time.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

That would be called Vogel im Kafig. It Means Bird in a Cage in German. They're basically trapped inside their own mind, and what everyone else is doing gives them their own sense of freedom. They can't really think for themselves, so other people do it for them willingly or unwillingly. People like that are expert opportunists. They take every chance they get in order to feel successful. Being an opportunist is never a bad thing, it's just bad when the motives are not with good intent, and are intended to harm.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

okay lol. i wasn't meaning to go that deep into it because in my eyes it's a bad thing. not to say that everyone is 100% original all the time, but there's a difference between that and just not having your own opinions, or not being willing or brave enough to share them

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I get that. What I put previously about Bird In A Cage basically sums it up. But there are outliers. Like some people are too lazy to actually use their brains for once and they just piggyback off of other people's ideas. Then there's the people who have and have had wonderful ideas, but they've been put down too much and told that they aren't good enough and that their ideas aren't good enough and eventually they start to believe it. Then they go look for other people's ideas in order to feel a sense of appreciation and satisfaction after seeing the success of what the other idea has gotten for the original creator. It's not always a good thing, but when people take the ideas of another, and then expand on the idea and make it better, and then give credit to the original creator, that's when I believe it's valid.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

true. but i'm not really referring to things like that. you are completely right, but i brought it up because of this friend that i have- she changes her opinions and behaviors depending on who she's around and i can't stand it. she' not a bad person, i've known her for a long time. it just bugs me. and it's kinda sad because i know she does it to feel like she fits in, and i understand that. it's just hard when she talks shit about me behind my back and then when i confront her about it, it's all of the sudden nothing like what i was told? like- she twists it to seem like she wasn't talking bad about me. when in all reality, i'd have a lot more respect for her if she'd just tell me, you know?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh oh oh I understand now. That made it so much clearer. I understand that. But most people do that because they want a sense of acceptance. It's hard to find their true personality, until they get to know you, and they find that they can be themselves around you. Just try to be there for them. They need something steady.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i try to do that. i've been friends with her for a very long time, and i know there's a real unique person in there somewhere. it just makes me mad cuz she shouldn't be talking bad about me.. but we talked about it and i've forgiven her already. hopefully she won't do it again.

@Pizzaz11 group

Oh that sounds horrible. What have you ate or drank in the past few hours? Were you somewhere where there was alot of dust? Did you come in contact with any plants?

@Pizzaz11 group

Oh I hate when that happens, and it also sucks that allergic reactions can take hours to show and by then you've done so many things that you have no idea what caused it

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hives suck! I can't have the powder from Baby Bottle Pops or I'll break out. Which sucks because I love those things! Went to school with hives and people thought that they were contagious…. Um, no. Allergic reaction people. Calm down. Lol

Hopefully you figure out what caused it!