forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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My friend recently got me into watching the Dream SMP videos, and today at lunch we were talking about it, and me, being my silly self, decided to pronounce MCSMP(Minecraft Survival Multiplayer) as McSimp. My friend found it hilarious.


I leaned over the stove and my hair caught on fire so I had to cut my hair and take off 15 inches and it feels really short now and I hate it and I miss my old hair.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I leaned over the stove and my hair caught on fire so I had to cut my hair and take off 15 inches and it feels really short now and I hate it and I miss my old hair.

It'll grow back. 🙂

@tungsten fastfood

I leaned over the stove and my hair caught on fire so I had to cut my hair and take off 15 inches and it feels really short now and I hate it and I miss my old hair.

In chemistry that’s called a “You shouldve had your hair up”

but that feels bad man

I hope it’s better to take care of though! long hair is a hassle

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I leaned over the stove and my hair caught on fire so I had to cut my hair and take off 15 inches and it feels really short now and I hate it and I miss my old hair.

Oof I can relate. Not with the burning hair, but with feeling like my hair is shorter and missing my old hair. It will grow back, but it will take time, but it'll be prettier and thicker than it was before. I guarantee it. I'll also tell you a funny story bc you'll get a kick out of it. This was back in Alaska and I was cleaning the snowmobiles with ammonia because that's what you use to clean so harsh dirt, grime, and blood off, and one of Elias' brothers came out to help me. That was all fun and games until he was like this is water this is useless and started spraying me. I was fine with it at first, like what are you gonna do? Back hand a 7 year old? I let it be. He got bored and ran off and I completely forgot about the ammonia just chilling in my hair. I finished cleaning like 3 hours later and suddenly my brain decided to be like wait ammonia bleaches hair and clothes. I was like it couldn't have been that much it was just a little bit, but no. I went inside and turned around and looked in the mirror and I solidly panicked. Just strands of my hair were blonde. My jacket was ruined, and my hair was haphazardly bleached in the back and I was royally pissed. But I chopped off about 8 inches and it grew back. The more ya knowwwww.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Can someone explain to me how to make a DM with multiple people. I try typing their usernames and it just doesn't pop up. I do already have DMs with each of these people, idk if that's an issue tho

Don’t use @ iirc.

@Space group

(I have to take like 15 pills in the morning as part of my routine, it's gotten to the point I can swallow them dry…)

@Space group

Hey guys, a bunch of stuff is happening with my school again, and honestly, I'm fed up with how corrupt the staff is, specifically the ones who ignored the fact someone tried to kill me. And now, hearing other's stories and multiple attacks towards me, I'd like to report my school. I have the email address of the board of education for my state, are these the right people I'm supposed to report to?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hey guys, a bunch of stuff is happening with my school again, and honestly, I'm fed up with how corrupt the staff is, specifically the ones who ignored the fact someone tried to kill me. And now, hearing other's stories and multiple attacks towards me, I'd like to report my school. I have the email address of the board of education for my state, are these the right people I'm supposed to report to?

Yes, and the senators and governor of your state too. They are legally obliged to help you. It's their job.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hey guys, a bunch of stuff is happening with my school again, and honestly, I'm fed up with how corrupt the staff is, specifically the ones who ignored the fact someone tried to kill me. And now, hearing other's stories and multiple attacks towards me, I'd like to report my school. I have the email address of the board of education for my state, are these the right people I'm supposed to report to?

Yes, Space, those would be the right people to go to for this! They and your school have 60 days after the date you hear back from them to contact you again with plans on how to keep you safe.

@Space group

It's just… the guy that is in charge and acting unfairly is a retired policeman and lots of people like him… he also has a habit of twisting words and claiming something never happened when it actually did.

@Space group

He's just gonna lie his way out of it and put me on the spot again… Besides, I don't know where to even begin with an email, and I'd rather not have to deal with more meetings and scenes.