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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Nice! My mom plays bari. In fact, she plays like every sax out there. XD

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My brother plays the piano and guitar.

Ayo same!

:0 I'm training to play guitar but me and my brother are mostly set on writing and drawing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My dad plays drums, I did percussion for a while in 4th and 5th grade then got stressed and quit, my brother plays saxophone for the lower school band, and my sister did piano for a while then kept throwing tantrums and quit then did ukulele for a while and kept throwing tantrums so my parents finally stopped her lessons and I can have my ukulele back(she's 7 btw)

Deleted user

Nice! My mom plays bari. In fact, she plays like every sax out there. XD

That's amazing! I'm trying to go from flute to French Horn, and oh boi that was a mistake. My flute brain and embouchure aren't having it.

No, don't make the same mistake I did! I play the flute but decided to try trumpet….I'm still trying to rebuild my flute embouchure. To me, it was quite depressing that I (can't believe I'm gonna mentions this) stopped playing the flute for a while I was so disappointed in my sound. However, thanks to Relsey posting Herman Beeftinks Celtic Suite, I've gotten inspired to get back up to where I used to be.


Nice! My mom plays bari. In fact, she plays like every sax out there. XD

That's amazing! I'm trying to go from flute to French Horn, and oh boi that was a mistake. My flute brain and embouchure aren't having it.

No, don't make the same mistake I did! I play the flute but decided to try trumpet….I'm still trying to rebuild my flute embouchure. To me, it was quite depressing that I (can't believe I'm gonna mentions this) stopped playing the flute for a while I was so disappointed in my sound. However, thanks to Relsey posting Herman Beeftinks Celtic Suite, I've gotten inspired to get back up to where I used to be.

As long as you play both you should be ok, it will affect your flute embouchure because buzzing messes up the muscles you need for flute but as long as you play both the damage wont be to bad

Deleted user

Yeah, that might have been a wiser move, but I'm done with the trumpet. I liked playing the trumpet, don't get me wrong, I just don't want to be the Jack of all trades yet master of none. The two techniques between the trumpet and the flute are so vastly different that it was hard to keep up with which one I was using. I started playing the flute with a really tight embouchure and grew to hate my high notes. They got so screechy and not at all pretty.
I like the trumpet, but the flute just brings me joy whenever I play it, and I want to try and master that instrument. That being said, I'll probably just stick to the flute. Thanks for the tip though!

@probablypolnareff language

here's a thing that just happened:

me: i finally got some money, and now i'm gonna spend it on something useful
my brain: okay, but like
also my brain: how about a nendoroid figure of Kakyoin wearing some nice ol sunglasses
me: i would normally so no to this kind of thing but at the same time,,,, smol Kak in sunglasses

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Can we just talk about Rowlet's evolution for a second because Rowlet and Decidueye are like 'can we please stick to a color scheme' and Dartrix is just like 'no' and I find it hilarious