forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

My sorta boyfriend, Alex, told me if I wore bold outfits, rather than my usual hoodies, and got myself out of my comfort zone, he'd give me something at the end of the week.

@nebula__ group

It looks nice!

if only my brain let me have the confidence i need to believe this statement-

Would I lie

my brain is saying yes but my heart is saying no-


I should be working on one of my one million scholarship essays, but nope, NOW is when inspiration for a short story decides to hit apparently ✌️✌️

@Space group

Okay sooo this girl threatened to kill me. I'm supposed to be fighting her at school soon. She's your average druggie, school b*tch that starts fights everyday. I've seen her fight and she's tried to kill people (knee on throat, choking, etc) She's very experienced and about 90+ pounds heavier than me. I'm generally a sweet person so I dont have much fighting experience without a weapon. So.. any tips? (The fight is unavoidable btw)

@furetakunai ac_unit

Do you have anyone you could bring with you to protect you? And perhaps… call law enforcement??? Death threats are never acceptable, especially with intent to follow through. And attempted murder??? Um, no??

@Space group

I have plenty of people that are willing to help. I just don't know when the attack will happen and don't want to appear like a pussy by having another person fight for me. Trust me, my school is merciless and will never let me live it down.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Being frank I do not care what they "won't let you live down". I care for your safety and if that means having other people help you than so fucking be it. Don't place your reputation and social appearance over your life or safety. It's illogical and dangerous. Tell a staff member or something that you fear that you're in danger of her. Just don't let it go unspoken and don't put yourself in more danger than what's unavoidable.

@furetakunai ac_unit

There's a place in everyone's heart that yearns for them to be accepted and I get it. But when acceptance comes at the cost of oneself, it must be acknowledged that it isn't worth it.

@Space group

What I neglected to say was that: I don't really care about the danger. I couldn't care less for my safety. Depression does that to you…

@furetakunai ac_unit

Well then, until you care about your safety, I will care for you. I am well aware where highs and lows in life can take a person, so until you can walk steadily upon the tightrope that is happiness, I'll be the pole you hold for balance and the net that catches you when you fall. So please, don't give up on yourself. You're worth more than what your brain can convince you of. I can see it and I'm sure there are other people who can too.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

What I neglected to say was that: I don't really care about the danger. I couldn't care less for my safety. Depression does that to you…

We talked about this darling. Everyone here cares, and your absence would leave a hole in our hearts. We are all here to help you, because we've dealt with the same feelings. Okay, now that's out of the way, please get someone who can help you. That's the most important thing. We don't want to see anything bad happen to you. We value you for you.