forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

No I'm not stressed, or pregnant, I'm just hongry.

My eldest sister is pregnant with her second (actually 3rd) child. She and my bro-in-law did a gender reveal last month. I guessed that they're having a girl, and was correct! (Obviously we would've been happy either way, but still!)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Congrats! I've decided that when I get older and when I decide that I want kids that I want at least 4, but no more than 6. And I have names that I absoutely love. For girls: Anastasia, Leia, Saoirse. For boys: Elias, (named after his father of course) Cassian, and Thorin. And my children will be trained in combat and learn to roll with what they are given. Basically I'm going to turn them into feral MacGyvers, and then let them loose on the world.


You know when you have a cold but need to record yourself singing for choir to get credit but like your voice doesn't work.

Mood, but with band. I play the flute, and when the temperature drops, fracking pitches is common and I'm like fml everytime it happens…

I also play the flute for band and I also have to record stuff for band and have the problem. and My asthma decided to act up making any long tones impossible without dying.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You know when you have a cold but need to record yourself singing for choir to get credit but like your voice doesn't work.

Mood, but with band. I play the flute, and when the temperature drops, fracking pitches is common and I'm like fml everytime it happens…

I also play the flute for band and I also have to record stuff for band and have the problem. and My asthma decided to act up making any long tones impossible without dying.

Brooo when I record stuff, I panic and royally screw it up, and I'm like noping outta there. I don't have asthma though. And long tones? Forget about it. I'm not trying to become a didgeridoo player and circular breathe. I'd like to be able to focus on tone, rather than dyinggggggg

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

There's a bird in my house. And the funny thing is, we don't own a bird. Besides chickens. I'm not dealing with it tonight. It can stay in the rafters. As long as it doesn't bother me or poop on me, we're chill. I'm pretty sure it's a mocking bird bc it's mimicking my dog and I don't like that at alllllll

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I enjoyed choir. However, I wasn't fond of the teacher….

  1. She had us singing what I consider "little kid songs" (the do-re-me song… I can't remember what else).

  2. Anytime anyone raised their hand it would take her a long freaking time to notice. Which was why I started to call her out whenever I had to go to the bathroom or get a drink. She'd always say "No. Go sit down and raise your hand; I'll see you." Um…. Wtf lady! I literally just had my hand up for 15 minutes trying not to fucking piss myself while waiting for you to "see" my hand was up!!!!!!

  3. She had a very strong obsession with Africa.

Deleted user

Me: has mother issues
Winter: I'm a Viking Mom
Me: Immediately attaches myself to her

@nebula__ group

my school is back to doing full remote-learning for a few days
turns out the confirmed covid cases went up and a bunch of people in ym school (including mE) had to go under quarantine-

Deleted user

Me: has mother issues
Winter: I'm a Viking Mom
Me: Immediately attaches myself to her

Ye come here adopted child


Deleted user

so in spanish we finished a quiz and my friend and i worked on turtles. i got red paint on my hands. im covering up the murder

@nebula__ group

i'm just busy drawing a danganronpa character bc she's a birthday gorl today :D i've never drawn her before and it's turning out pretty okay so far

@nebula__ group

i'm giving her a random outfit tho bc her actual outfit confuses me and it's also really hard to draw

They have Dangaronpa on the cosplay site

i saw- and it makes me jealous bc i don't have the money to buy any of the outfits-