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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So I had a weird dream and here it is
I had a weird dream. So I woke up in the dream, Skyrim style. And I'm in a boat, and my friend Jess was there and she was in this boat and she was like oh good me and (another friend) Dev were taking bets on how long it would take you to wake up. And I was like oh good. And there was an old captain guy in the back of the boat steering us, and my brain decided to look around my dream and it was very gorgeous. There were lots of very tall trees covered in moss. And there was a island off in the distance that was making a low thrumming noise and Jess asked what Island it was and I looked towards in and I remember saying it's Scotland… And the captain guy was like you're right about it being Scotland. So we sit in the boat and pass Scotland and we drift into an area that has the tall moss covered trees and I had like a deja vu moment in a dream and I tell my friends that I've been here before, and the captain dude is like so you remember don't you? And I vaguely remember something but I don't know what and Dev looks at me and goes the water is shallow here I can touch the bottom and I looked at him and told him no and to stay in the boat and he's like the shore is a few feet in front of us, I'll pull us there. And he jumped out of the boat and started to sink, and a giant white squid grabs him and I watch him fight and the squid vanishes and Dev surfaces saying it let him go, and me and the captain pulled him back in the boat, and the squid comes up to our boat and starts talking and says that if it weren't for me Dev would have been killed and I still don't know who I am in my dream but apparently the captain and the squid think I'm something and the squid pulls our boat to shore and I remember refusing to get out of the boat and the captain was like, this was where it happened. I can understand why you don't want to set foot on it again. And then the dream ended. (I'll find out tonight bc my dreams normally continue)
I actually think this dream was something from the past, like from a past life or a past family member, but it all felt so real to me… I want to know what happened to me.

@HighPockets group

Which ending is your favorite? Mine is Mouthface's.

I have to say it's my favorite too. And McDoon is literally every freshman boy in highschool lmao.

Craphole's is a close second, because Lauren Lopez's voice is amazing and also exchange Craphole has with Jack Bauer lol

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Which ending is your favorite? Mine is Mouthface's.

I have to say it's my favorite too. And McDoon is literally every freshman boy in highschool lmao.

Craphole's is a close second, because Lauren Lopez's voice is amazing and also exchange Craphole has with Jack Bauer lol

Oh heck yeah it is. Overally it's a masterpiece.

@HighPockets group

Which ending is your favorite? Mine is Mouthface's.

I have to say it's my favorite too. And McDoon is literally every freshman boy in highschool lmao.

Craphole's is a close second, because Lauren Lopez's voice is amazing and also exchange Craphole has with Jack Bauer lol

Oh heck yeah it is. Overally it's a masterpiece.

"If onwy I could get my shaky wittle wegs to wun fow the fiwst time…oops! I swipped!"

"That's my son. Craphole, the Baby Killer."

"Woah, hello ma'am! You've got nothing to worry about. I was just making sexual advances on your daughter is all."

"You'd have better luck sticking your pecker in a cactus."

"Lobsters will play no significant role in my life."

"Hello…Titty Mitty."

It's not my favorite Starkid show but damn, I definitely think it's the funniest. You should definitely watch more by them if you haven't, I'd recommend The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and Twisted.


There was a test and everyone kept getting other colors and someone asked what the yellow one was.


yellow worm on a string
hi you're real funky you know. i like that. you radiate good ass vibes. you're either gay or like kpop. or you're both. who knows at this point. but your taste in music is definitely multi-lingual. you enjoy all types of music from all over the world and will punch anybody who says, "why do you like that? you can't even understand it." you say/do the most cursed things. like you're a walking mystery. what goes on inside that lil head of yours? you wield your hobbies to commit acts of chaos. if you draw, you draw the most cursed things. if you sing, you'll make a song about god knows what. if you cook, chances are you'll make something like froggy chair cake. actually, that sounds pretty cool. i want froggy chair cake. you'll scroll through like twitter drama just for the fun of it. seeing people literally make a fool of themselves online is somewhat hilarious to you. there's a celebrity you really enjoy and you won't physically fight somebody over not liking them but it's more like grits teeth "okay buddy". that is your emotional support human being. you're a bit dramatic and in your head a lot but it's fine. one of your comfort hobbies is drawing. it makes you real happy. either that or you fucking love looking at other people's art. you'll be scrolling through tik tok or some shit and get an art video on your for you page and you'll go, "WOAH THAT'S REAL FUCKING COOL" because it is. you'll get actually upset when people don't credit the artist. it's fucking artist appreciation hour all of the time. mayhaps you've commissioned somebody before. you like those crying cats. something about their vibes, you resonate with. you just want to sleep. for like. forever. what are you even saying sometimes? go play animal crossing or some shit. i think you like the fashion/designing side of animal crossing. it IS pretty cool. you're lost all of the time. you can take that physically or metaphorically. even if you're not from the south end of america, you manage to slip in "howdy"s and "y'all"s into your sentences. you just want to be a cowboy baby. you like frogs. you just think they're neat. there's a 50% chance that you're not neurotypical. oh, you really dig furby posts. you think those long furbys are pretty funky. you have at least like five weird things in your bedroom. when faced with a problem, you tend to push through it and you continue on vibing. i admire that about you. even the face of adversity, you're still trucking along. that said, please get some rest. i care about you.


My guess is as good as yours tbh, which reminds me, Bad Fanfic Day is in… a week? Week and a half?
Quick, give me some good ideas for really cringey bad fanfics.

@LabradeedleLabradoodle public

My guess is as good as yours tbh, which reminds me, Bad Fanfic Day is in… a week? Week and a half?
Quick, give me some good ideas for really cringey bad fanfics.

anything can be cringey if you write it poorly enough


My guess is as good as yours tbh, which reminds me, Bad Fanfic Day is in… a week? Week and a half?
Quick, give me some good ideas for really cringey bad fanfics.

anything can be cringey if you write it poorly enough

Yes but fanfics
Let's see, what have I done for BFD? I did a Harry Potter/Star Wars/Star Trek mashup, which shipped Hermione and Malfoy and then Hermione and Kylo Ren, and then I did Ung the Corngucpa, and then last time I did a Miraculous Ladybug/Sherlock Holmes murder mystery, in which Chat Noir got hung or something because he was the villain.
Things like that.