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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Why do I feel so guilty when I take a break from working like. It's a mandatory break this is a school break but I feel so bad for not doing anything like I'm a useless blob because I haven't written an essay or done some equations. I'm just obsessively checking for assignments that I know aren't there because it's break.
But the thought of going back to school in two day's is equally as dreadful.
I'm a mess is what I'm saying, a whole mess.


I know how that feels. It's technically fall break for me but I still have Psychology hw and I've been too lazy to do any studying…

@Pickles group

Why do I feel so guilty when I take a break from working like. It's a mandatory break this is a school break but I feel so bad for not doing anything like I'm a useless blob because I haven't written an essay or done some equations. I'm just obsessively checking for assignments that I know aren't there because it's break.
But the thought of going back to school in two day's is equally as dreadful.
I'm a mess is what I'm saying, a whole mess.

I think the short answer is capitalism
but mood

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So I had a weird dream and here it is
I had a weird dream. So I woke up in the dream, Skyrim style. And I'm in a boat, and my friend Jess was there and she was in this boat and she was like oh good me and (another friend) Dev were taking bets on how long it would take you to wake up. And I was like oh good. And there was an old captain guy in the back of the boat steering us, and my brain decided to look around my dream and it was very gorgeous. There were lots of very tall trees covered in moss. And there was a island off in the distance that was making a low thrumming noise and Jess asked what Island it was and I looked towards in and I remember saying it's Scotland… And the captain guy was like you're right about it being Scotland. So we sit in the boat and pass Scotland and we drift into an area that has the tall moss covered trees and I had like a deja vu moment in a dream and I tell my friends that I've been here before, and the captain dude is like so you remember don't you? And I vaguely remember something but I don't know what and Dev looks at me and goes the water is shallow here I can touch the bottom and I looked at him and told him no and to stay in the boat and he's like the shore is a few feet in front of us, I'll pull us there. And he jumped out of the boat and started to sink, and a giant white squid grabs him and I watch him fight and the squid vanishes and Dev surfaces saying it let him go, and me and the captain pulled him back in the boat, and the squid comes up to our boat and starts talking and says that if it weren't for me Dev would have been killed and I still don't know who I am in my dream but apparently the captain and the squid think I'm something and the squid pulls our boat to shore and I remember refusing to get out of the boat and the captain was like, this was where it happened. I can understand why you don't want to set foot on it again. And then the dream ended. (I'll find out tonight bc my dreams normally continue)
I actually think this dream was something from the past, like from a past life or a past family member, but it all felt so real to me… I want to know what happened to me.

So I ended up being led out of the boat by the captain dude, and I stepped onto the land and I knew that whatever land I was on didn't feel right. Well Jess and Dev got out and seemed to know the way to where we were going so me and the captain dude followed Jess and Dev and the captain was like I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at us. We know you can't remember anything but this has to be done. And I still can't remember anything, until we hit this big open clearing, and this boy is tied to two stone pillars and the captain looks at me and says you know what you have to do. It's tradition. And he hands me a knife, and I knew that I had to kill this boy, and so I took the knife and walked over to him and then I remembered what the tradition was. It had to do with a scot killing a nord to repay a debt, and I knew I had to kill this boy. I raised the knife and the boy looked up into my eyes and I stopped. I recognized those green eyes, and every memory came flooding into my brain. I dropped the knife and hugged this boy realizing that the person I was going to kill was none other than Elias. I turned towards the captain realizing that he was trying to get me to kill the person I loved. I was very angry and so I picked up the knife and rushed the captain and I killed him very viciously. I remember standing up dripping with blood and I remember Jess and Dev shrinking back in horror. Elias was still shackled to the rocks and I went and cut his bonds to the rocks and he picks me up and doesn't care that I'm bloody he's just so happy he isn't dead. Then there's this rumbling sound and all of a sudden all the nordic and Scottish ghosts of debts payed in the past appear and none of them approve of what I have done. So I remember pleading to what ever ghost king it was for the sake of love and I ended up convincing him, but on the condition that I never stepped foot on the island again. Me and Elias agreed, and me, Elias, Jess, and Dev all walked back to our boat and we stepped into it, and pushed off. We had no idea where we were going and the squid appeared and just said follow the drumming, and so we listened and heard drumming in the distance and the squid left and we head back out into a strait and the island that I had said was Scotland was making the drumming noise and so we went to Scotland. And that's where it ended. I still have no idea if the dream will continue again, but I won't know until tonight. Also there's an actual Island, as I described in my dream, off the coast of Scotland. It's called Staffa. So Idk if I was living a past memory but with my current love in it, but it was so weird…..


That's adorable… I wish I had dreams like that about my fiance, but noooo, when he does appear in my dreams, it's with very strange plot lines that none of you need to know about. I did have a dream last night, though, that I got to go to Richard Hammond's house, and see his cars, and in my dream, he had this like weird secret room at the nearby high school where he kept his cars. And it was great. Oh yeah, and he had a little garden porch thing. Adorable bean

Deleted user

I'm 99% sure that I'm never going to find love because I lowkey suck at commitment and get bored really easily. I can barely commit to finishing a cup of tea yet you expect me to commit to one person for the rest of my life??? No. Lower your expectations.


Fun fact, the Classic B course (three-holes) on Wii Sports Resort Frisbee Golf/regular Golf features a freaking castle in the background.


Yee. And Smooth Moves. And Tron: Battle Grids.
Also, fun fact, I'm so obsessed with the Island Flyover one that I have written all of the i Points down and I also have a sheet of their descriptors because each i Point has a different descriptor depending on the time of day it is and so I have written them all down. :D Because nerd