forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Thank you everyone for your messages, they were super uplifting and they really have made my day. It's nice to get so much support from people I have only just met and I hope to create strong friendships with you all :)

Deleted user

No problem, Tiani! Notebook is a super awesome community and support is the name of the game. PM me if you need to talk at all about anything! ;D

@Dragoncita group

Another one through the eyes of one of my creatures:

Little child, what do you see
When you look into my cold, lifeless eyes
What do you seek from a beast like me

Why should you care about my well-being
I am nothing but the beast in the dark
I am the creature that haunts your nightmares

Yet here you still stand
Staying by my side even when I have warned you
There is no fear I sense in you

Child, something stirs within me
I do not understand this feeling
Is this something I should fear

You are so brave little one to stay here with me
I have killed thousands, blood on my claws and fangs
But you look past what I have done

Only you can bring me peace
Only you can calm the beast that I am

You are the only one who can stroke my claws without fear
You are the only one who can approach knowing I will cause you no harm

Little child, please stay by my side
Little child, I long for your company when you are gone


Here's one I just finished for a Lit project. It's pretty rough 'round the edges, because I could only use quotes from The Book Thief.

The brutality of shadows

You will never see them again.
Try to forget about the blood.
Dark shapes and chaos,
Shadows leaked from the injury.
You are going to die.

Deleted user

Um… yeah. I came up with this off the top of my head about 10-15 minutes ago for a rp, so…

Little tree
Little tree
Is it really you I see?
I planted you so long ago
After the winter –
after the snow.
Here you stand, my little tree
Preparing to grow tall as can be
I hope you grow up quick someday
And provide me with a bit of shade.
Someday I will come back to you
And rest my weary legs upon your roots.
And looking up into your graceful branches
Where the birds dwell and the wind dances
I shall say
"Little tree
Little tree
Is it really you I see?"