forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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I don't have many more… I do these things though, they're really fun, and it's kind of like a writing exercise for me… you describe colors without saying the name of the color.

@Story_Siren group

I got a couple of my own
An emotion
Expanding across generations
Multiple variations of names
Eros, sexual passion of lovers
Philia, deep loyalty to one’s friends
Ludus, playful affection between children or lovers
Agape, radically selfless love to family and strangers
Pragma, a mature and realistic love of true couples
The sixth: philautia, love of oneself- whether helpful or harmful.

Turn to evil, or flourish- is the question of each
Passion to abuse, loyalty to betrayal, affection to reaction
Selfless to selfish, realistic to romantic, a narcissist
Yet how can one see the signs,
And not act for others? Keeping
a relationship together is easier
Don’t rock the boat
Don’t hurt them
But it
still does

"let me go"
my will erodes into the sea
along with my hopes and dreams.
i don’t want to hurt you,
but you’re a hurricane
and i, a tiny seed
torrents of wind torment me
and i can’t stand anymore
bowed by the wind, i’m cut
until no one can hear me anymore.

@Story_Siren group

Another two I wrote
“Reddened Rocks"
Bones crackle and crunch underneath my feet
Silent, gaping holes fills my lungs with dust
Alone, afraid, skeletal shadows leap
Left as the jester, self confidence rusts

Newly-minted advisor, and her queen
Stand before me, snow-white and giggling
I gather breath to speak, to tell how mean
Bone dust seals shut, binds together sigils

Inside my head, a riotous battle
A dark, silent tomb, my only haven
I, my only friend, I must be addled
They were never my friends, nor my patrons

Skeletal fingers pierce against my skin
Tearing apart ashes of beginnings
Bones turn to blood, pumping what has been
Through a life of different renderings

Sorrow, anger, fear, invigorating
Crashes through my veins, my heart, my mind, numb
My world, thoughts, actions, sorrows, fading
I think, I know, I’m done, and they have won.

Or at least, that’s what they thought; their mistake,
An empty casket, a skeletal home
Rebooting, revising, my mind awakens
Weary, scarred, I have discovered my fate: to roam

I refuse to be a husk of myself
Tear apart my skin, apple blood burst from
Within; bone specks burrow to somewhere else
Rivulets of tears carve canyons into them

Bones fall apart, silent, under my feet
Scrape dust from boots, bones no longer a fright
Black becomes gray and turns to white; to keep
Let’s turn this clock, this year, forward tonight.

"Need Hint"
A slumbering silence that I’m afraid to confront
I’m on my own again, hiding the holes in me
Aren't I enough? Have I not conformed to your doubt?
Turned myself inside out, bend to your vengeful wills
And do you know what I found out? You do not care

Blonde or brunette, empty-headed, intelligent
You seem to be friends with them all, I don’t fit in
I am never enough, I am too much, for you
Why should I follow your boring old trends of fads?
Was, am, won’t be, a punching bag marionette

Past experiences dictate future actions.
Rusted self-confidence instilled into a year
Keeping my mouth shut, dug my own grave, sowed with bones
Can’t let myself go when the consequences are
Shown, of never letting my sunshine, my God, in
Watched the darkness win, as I crumbled to ashes

I was stressed, depressed, trying to do her best
How dare you punch me when I was at my lowest?
Yet in the end, you helped me see what I needed;
In the end, my future began again. Thank you.

Deleted user

I will post some of my color thingies later.

Luna, those are really good!!!


dude those are really good. they almost have a kind of heavy surreal feel to them, if that makes sense? also i love this line so much for some reason "Let’s turn this clock, this year, forward tonight."

@Story_Siren group

@thighhighcrocs @ravens Thank you!! All four of them are writing catharsis on some events that happened in my life, and it was really fun and emotionally releasing to write them :) And @thighhighcrocs your poem could be the basis of a story!! It's totally mysterious and an interesting idea for a book!!