forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Lol, I got blue and I got yellow – blue first.
(Reminder, these are first drafts that suck so don't judge me!)

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It’s the color the vast horizon in front of you. As you scream into the wind, it’s the color of your soul. It’s the color that carries your sound to the waves and makes them crash around your ankles. It’s the color that sweeps you off your feet and offers you serenity beneath the surface of the stormy weather. The color that calms you when you feel as though your about to cry, and the color of the your tears. It isn’t the color you see when you wake up.

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Here's yellow:

It’s the color you wait for every morning — when the sun rises over the faded horizon and catches the tops of the trees. It’s the color that illuminates life around you. When you get a compliment, it’s the color of your smile. When someone tells you a joke, it’s the color of your laugh. It’s the color that surrounds you when you when you see a long lost friend, or when you enjoy a warm cup of tea on a snowy day. It is the color of you yearn for. It is not the color of your past.

@Dragoncita group

Run, run, run while you can little 'lamb'
I have been watching you all this time
Many millennia I have been plotting
Soon your death will come

Why do you run so, little 'lamb'
Your death is inevitable
It will only be a matter of time
Before you stumble willingly into my jaws

Your fear little 'lamb', fuels me
Your futile efforts of escape
It amuses me so to watch
But soon I will get tired of it

Oh little 'lamb', my patience thins
Just stop running and accept your fate
The things you have done are unforgivable
So step forth and face your fate

Death comes now little 'lamb'
Your time is up and I am done
The games you played, the crimes you've done
Tis time to pay the price

Goodbye little 'lamb'
No longer can you run
Stumbling so close to your doom
Death does not wait

Now, I give you a choice little 'lamb'
Do you wish for a merciful death
Or should I make it long and painful
Yet in the end it will not matter

You want the quick death, little 'lamb'
Unfortunately, I cannot grant it
Then why give you a choice you ask
It amuses me to give a final moment of hope

Now ready yourself little 'lamb'
My jaws open wide, waiting
Once inside, your suffering will begin
No more will you be

I admire you little 'lamb'
It took some time before I caught you
But now it is done
A new one will come which I will chase

Farewell forever little 'lamb'

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It is the color that fills every unoccupied corner. It’s the color that seeps into your mind when you are alone. When you cry, it’s the color that paints your heart. When you laugh, it’s the color that retreats to its cold home in the shadows. It’s the color that seizes control of you when your alone at night and you hear a floorboard creak. It’s the color of the car that passes you on the highway and makes your heart pound. It’s the color of human nature. It’s not the color of purity.

Deleted user

Oh, this is actually one of my favorites!

It’s the color of the starry night sky that you whisper under. When you share secrets, it’s the tinge of your breath. It’s the color of his wrinkled shirt that he pulls you against, and when he trails his fingers down your arm, it’s the color he leaves behind. When you gaze into each other’s eyes, it’s the color that compels you to keep looking. It isn’t the color you see when you wake up the next morning, cold and alone.


Long Post
Mine is kind of personal. I was going through a really rough patch in my life, and my small collection of poetry is a result of that. I titled it "The Horsemen of Melancholy" and wrote my pure feelings into poetry. This is the second poem of the booklet, titled "Empty"


Empty ousts all other feeling,
And leaves one walking bleak and weary

There's nothing inside,
Who I am has died.
I could not have cried,
For I am Empty inside.

Passing through time
My heart gathering rime.
Empty has broken me
And I will never be free…

If you guys are interested, I can upload a video of me reading the rest of "The Horsemen". Or I could just post them.