forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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It’s crazy how little I’ve slept
Not to say I haven't tried
Sometimes I just can’t
Other times my body just won't
Maybe I’m too hot, too cold,breathing wrong, there’s always a problem
Not moving ,moving to much, laying on the wrong side, flip over, roll around, still no sleep
I Should be able to fix this shouldn’t I?
Am I broken? Is something wrong with me, And I deficient, unworthy.
Can’t I sleep any more?

Deleted user

its a bit darker than I normally write
They always come to the balcony.
They always have the same look.
And every time they look at me,
I fall into their book.

I listen to their crying
i help the best I can.
Even if I’m lying,
I still take up my stand.

It’s always different, yet the same
its always hard to bear
And each day’s another broken name
That I have to hear.

But who will come to the ledge
if I were to leave?
Would anybody guard the edge?
Would anybody grieve?

For all the lost lost and broken souls,
for all the ones that couldn’t see
would anyone come get me
If I was the one on the balcony?

Deleted user

But who will come to the ledge
if I were to leave?
Would anybody guard the edge?
Would anybody grieve?

For all the lost lost and broken souls,
for all the ones that couldn’t see
would anyone come get me
If I was the one on the balcony?

I know this is corny and all, but we would <3

Deleted user

But who will come to the ledge
if I were to leave?
Would anybody guard the edge?
Would anybody grieve?

For all the lost lost and broken souls,
for all the ones that couldn’t see
would anyone come get me
If I was the one on the balcony?

I know this is corny and all, but we would <3

Aw. Thanks, random internet stranger.

Deleted user

But who will come to the ledge
if I were to leave?
Would anybody guard the edge?
Would anybody grieve?

For all the lost lost and broken souls,
for all the ones that couldn’t see
would anyone come get me
If I was the one on the balcony?

I know this is corny and all, but we would <3

Aw. Thanks, random internet stranger.

Awkward salute Anytime, Notebook sibling!