forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Oh boy. I was only up till 1, and that was because I spent like an hour just kinda. Crying.
Honestly if that happened to me I would have legit thrown the ipad into the wall. Just thrown it straight across the room.


(oof) (this isn't great, might redo it later)

Who are you?
My constant shadow?
A weeping freak
An opened window
The tongue in cheeks
A shifting mind
Small mass mistakes
Words unconfined
Sleeping awake

Why are you?
To teach me a lesson?
To isolate me
To be the best one
In a lonely sea
To strengthen bones
As muscles grow weak
To define alone
To sleep through weeks

When are you?
Then or now?
Head or heart
The final bow
The curtains' part
In the middle of the cautious sound
At the rising of a frozen sun
In the clock turning time around
When I sleep or when I run?

Deleted user

Okay okay okay.
So I'm writing this fanfiction, right? I think I started around……midnight? Anyway. I'm writing this angsty fic where everyone di e s and it's going really well. I think I finished around 3? Which isn't that bad. I've been up that late before. But I wanted to post it on AO3 straight from the ipod I was using, which is 11 years old btw. The only writing app I have on there is Notes. And for some reason I can't access the Rich Text option on AO3. So I have to type out the HTML code myself to get the story the way I want it to be formatted. So I'm doing that, and everything's good. I have the alignment done and I'm inserting </p> at the end of every paragraph when my finger fucking slips and selects the entire thing and I replace everything with a P. That's right. The fucking letter P. AND THERE'S NO UNDO BUTTON
And I'm so mad at myself and I just jaslfdja;lskdj falkjdf lasjdf lkajsd flkjasdflk jasdkjlf sadlk jfskljdf jkl ds whispers "what the fUCK have I done??????"
And so I have to rewrite. The entire thing (about 2-3 thousand words). From memory.
Fortunately, I have photographic memory, so it's not that bad.
Except I spend the next 2 hours rewriting it, adding up to 5am
Then I finally finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 and I'm just like "thank god that's over"
but then I spent some time on here, talking to y'all. Until maybe…5:30? And then I'm like "k im leaving good night" so I left and then I went to the bathroom, and then I got back in bed and I probably fell asleep a little past 6.
the end



Okay okay okay.
So I'm writing this fanfiction, right? I think I started around……midnight? Anyway. I'm writing this angsty fic where everyone di e s and it's going really well. I think I finished around 3? Which isn't that bad. I've been up that late before. But I wanted to post it on AO3 straight from the ipod I was using, which is 11 years old btw. The only writing app I have on there is Notes. And for some reason I can't access the Rich Text option on AO3. So I have to type out the HTML code myself to get the story the way I want it to be formatted. So I'm doing that, and everything's good. I have the alignment done and I'm inserting </p> at the end of every paragraph when my finger fucking slips and selects the entire thing and I replace everything with a P. That's right. The fucking letter P. AND THERE'S NO UNDO BUTTON
And I'm so mad at myself and I just jaslfdja;lskdj falkjdf lasjdf lkajsd flkjasdflk jasdkjlf sadlk jfskljdf jkl ds whispers "what the fUCK have I done??????"
And so I have to rewrite. The entire thing (about 2-3 thousand words). From memory.
Fortunately, I have photographic memory, so it's not that bad.
Except I spend the next 2 hours rewriting it, adding up to 5am
Then I finally finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 and I'm just like "thank god that's over"
but then I spent some time on here, talking to y'all. Until maybe…5:30? And then I'm like "k im leaving good night" so I left and then I went to the bathroom, and then I got back in bed and I probably fell asleep a little past 6.
the end


I hated myself so much…


(nono don't let this die) (Here poke poke here it's crap but here)

Are you sure?

Autumn wind and chestnut leaves
Turn bleak and bitter through the fall
Freezing the bones, sucking the marrow
Cannot deny truth's looming call

Cool lakes encircled by pines
Summon an unwelcome reflection
Shadows grow taller in the water
Seeds in minds grow creeping conception

Beautiful songs by birds in trees
Are drowned out by the hunting dogs
Noses to the ground, they search for not-truth
Eyes glowing balefully through the fog

Branches quivering in the wind
Lead the beasts to the frozen deer
And follow them among the waves
To taint the water crystal clear

Their victim gapes, unharmed, in terror
Of the pursuers' howls for honesty
Takes one step forward, can't stop, they fall
Into smirking reality




It's not dying, I don't think. Seasonal depression(and chronic! yay for mental fucks) and wanting to graduate are hitting me. I might have something lying around, I'll see if I can find it

Deleted user

Can't write for shit, but here…


People change.
This is proven.
I do not understand this -
Shouldn’t you be happy with the way that you are?
Is your desire for something more too strong?
I want to tell you how much I hate this new thing that replaced you
But I cannot bring myself to
Because this monster - behind it
Is still you.


Can't write for shit, but here…


People change.
This is proven.
I do not understand this -
Shouldn’t you be happy with the way that you are?
Is your desire for something more too strong?
I want to tell you how much I hate this new thing that replaced you
But I cannot bring myself to
Because this monster - behind it
Is still you.

oooohhh I love that!


What is this feeling I feel
Down, down
Down deep in my being
It weighs a million pounds
But my head is as light as a feather
It pulls me down under
Where I can’t breathe
Can’t sleep
Can’t focus
And all I can do is succumb
To the feeling
What is this feeling I feel?
It hurts
Yet it feels so good
It’s warm
Like a fire
But don’t get too close.
I smile while tears run down my cheeks
And laugh as my soul rips apart like paper
And I don’t know what’s happening
My soul and my body are one and the same
And I feel close to something
But I don’t know what it is
I don’t know what the feeling is that I feel,
But I think it’s okay.


I'm falling into the dark
My hands, stretched out once
are now falling away
These hands have never had
Another hand to hold
These hands had another pair once
But they quickly turned to claws
Now they're stretched above me
searching for the light
my hands are slowly sinking
back towards my sides
There they sit forgetting
they ever had felt touch
while I slowly sink
deeper in the dark
a faint flicker breaks through the dim
I sink deeper in the mud
no one would help me
again the light flickers closer then before
I feel the light on my face
I can't help but wish for more
It grows dim
Fighting to survive
I watch it fade
scared to help it live
As the last warmth fades away
I reach out a trembling hand
reaching out one last time
hoping to feel the warmth
The light truly gone now
I missed my last chance
as my hand once more with draws
another brushes my skin
Grasping for the contact
Another pulls me up
Gripping my frail hand
returning what I lost
I'm lifted towards the lights
saved by the hand
who thought to reach out and touch