forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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(well this isn't really funny but I need to write music for it but I don't know how any suggestions?)


I ran through the mountains down to the red sea
I called to the waves and said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king
I said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king

(verse 1)
They still only see who they thought I would be
I told them who I knew I was going to be
Now I kicked through the sand, I was breaking their chains
They’d given me more than enough of their pain
I called to the great predators of the air
I searched for the beasts still asleep in their lairs
I found them too numb to even try to move
The ocean was frozen, my fears had been proved

I ran through the mountains down to the red sea
I called to the waves and said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king
I said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king

(verse 2)
Looking for smoke and a still-water sea
When they found one, replaced it with their dreams
I hated their songs and dry waves and fake care
I knocked down their dreams clothed in my nightmare
Rebellion woke up, taking my small hand
Whispered in my ears ways to the promised land
I took one more step and I fell to the waves
Knowing there were still people left to be saved

I ran through the mountains down to the red sea
I called to the waves and said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king
I said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king

(verse 3)
They wrapped round my neck, moaning my first name
Gripping my face and crying without shame
I shut my eyes tight so I could see the crown
Floating above as they dragged me deep down
My new name was sounded, they came to a halt
A note and we were found without a fault
I pulled off their hands, surfacing in the storm
It passed with a nod and the water was warm

I said oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

I’d run through the mountains down to the red sea
I swam in the waves and made myself their king
I said oh, oh, oh, I make myself the king
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
I crown myself my king


well………………….I kinda might have been awake until 6 in the goddamn morning……………..


Okay okay okay.
So I'm writing this fanfiction, right? I think I started around……midnight? Anyway. I'm writing this angsty fic where everyone di e s and it's going really well. I think I finished around 3? Which isn't that bad. I've been up that late before. But I wanted to post it on AO3 straight from the ipod I was using, which is 11 years old btw. The only writing app I have on there is Notes. And for some reason I can't access the Rich Text option on AO3. So I have to type out the HTML code myself to get the story the way I want it to be formatted. So I'm doing that, and everything's good. I have the alignment done and I'm inserting </p> at the end of every paragraph when my finger fucking slips and selects the entire thing and I replace everything with a P. That's right. The fucking letter P. AND THERE'S NO UNDO BUTTON
And I'm so mad at myself and I just jaslfdja;lskdj falkjdf lasjdf lkajsd flkjasdflk jasdkjlf sadlk jfskljdf jkl ds whispers "what the fUCK have I done??????"
And so I have to rewrite. The entire thing (about 2-3 thousand words). From memory.
Fortunately, I have photographic memory, so it's not that bad.
Except I spend the next 2 hours rewriting it, adding up to 5am
Then I finally finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 and I'm just like "thank god that's over"
but then I spent some time on here, talking to y'all. Until maybe…5:30? And then I'm like "k im leaving good night" so I left and then I went to the bathroom, and then I got back in bed and I probably fell asleep a little past 6.
the end