forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Here's a poem pair i wrote in the summer of 2018


Shifting in the light breeze, a blossom bloomed
Her colorful leaves gently opened
Frightful but curious
Looking at the world around her she deemed it beautiful

Other blossoms bloomed around her
Many colors sizes and shapes
They laughed with joy amongst themselves
The blossom tried to join them in their joy
But soon she was outcasted

The young blossom grew with time
Her petals flurioused but scars marked them
Noticing these blemishes, the others left her
There was no place in the world for the blossom

With time people came by, taking the flowers they deemed beautiful
Others were chosen in front of her eyes
Joy and love were met with those lucky enough
But the blossom was never chosen

Hiding within her petals she shut the world out around her
Echoes of perril
No escape
Her petals grew black

Her world became dark
Her heart cold
No one would love her
No one would care

The color disappeared, her beauty fading
Giving up, a single decision
Down into the shadows below
She fell, shifting in the light breeze


Falling, she landed in the darkness
Her mind hazy and blank
Decaying foliage surrounding
Shadows covering her vision

Her petals were gone, fallen
She was bare, but free
Other blossoms laid on the forest floor
Similar to what she suffered

The seemingly hell-ish state she lived in became a haven
Surrounded by others who she could sympathize with
She grew comfortable with the new world around her
And buried herself in the soft dirt

From the ground she grew
Her health restoring
Those around her within the shadows grew too
They found peace and happiness in each other's company

Some took longer to grow than the rest, having suffered more
Still, they all sprung up with joy
Growing they neared the light
Where happiness would delight in them

Some grew up in pairs, entwined and helping each other to the light
The rest grew alone delighting in freedom
Maturing and learning they breached through
The sun shining upon them

The blossom spread her branches, now a blooming tree
Finally, she was happy
In a moment

Deleted user

That's beautiful!!! :)

Thank you, it's about depression and recovering from it.

Deleted user

I could tell. It's so amazing, especially with the details.

Oh… um thank you…

Deleted user

I could tell. It's so amazing, especially with the details.

Oh… um thank you…

Just accept it darlin– you're a good writer. ;)


uuhh heres a kinda bad one that im still a bit proud of, i wrote it a while ago at like one in the morning


@ connie they're right, that was beautiful! it made me really happy reading it, kinda hopeful, ykno?

(for future reference: I prefer she/her)


uuhh heres a kinda bad one that im still a bit proud of, i wrote it a while ago at like one in the morning

that's really good!

@Dragoncita group

One of some poems I have made:

The end is nigh
Sparks and smoke rise from below
The battlefield bathed in red

Tired are we
But no pillow to rest our head
Echoes of the fallen ring out

No way for us to live
The beast of the abyss has been released
All is lost

So here I stand, while others flee
I let them down
So here I am to reclaim my glory

The abyss roars
Yet I feel no fear
My mind is gone

Nothing can contain me any longer
I will not fade in silence
Death is the only option

To hurl oneself into the jaws of the beast
i do it deliberately
Nothing left to lose

Darkness consumes me
Yet I feel comforted by its presence
For unlike light, darkness is always there