forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Because a hug
Can't heal a broken heart
Because a hug
Can't fix a world falling apart
And it's great
In theory
But all it really does
Is give you time to put on
A smile
Pretend that it's okay
Let no one
That you cry anyway
And a hug
Might not be what you need
Instead someone to tell you
That it's okay to cry
And be mad
And let out your whole storm
Because it feels better when it clears

Deleted user

Orange for Luna!

You step outside and it’s the color of the ground. When your hair blows off your shoulders, it’s the color of the breeze. When you smile at your neighbor, it’s the color of their wave. When the cat meows, it’s the color of the dog’s reply. It’s the color that wraps you in warmth and let’s you rest when your tired. It’s the color of cinnamon and ginger. It isn’t the color that remains when you blow the light out of a candle.


hey y'all im new here's one of mine

These words
They rip me apart
and give me
They kill me, strike
me down, pooling blood
like water overflowing
a stream.
I float in that stream
Lazy river at the
It calms me to
float in that
red river
The setting sun
my ever-beating
The pain these
beautiful words
cause me remind me
that I'm not a husk of a person
that I am still


Waterfall of the poetic words that tumble inside my mind creamy sour chocolately cascading tumult Of beautiful black roses I taste the words as I walk down the hallway of seventh grade, bumping into The people whose names I know and they know mine but toss it aside like a broken glass. But then I see a boy whose midnight hair glints under the harsh glow of the artificial lights. He is new. He is perfect erratic scribbles on the sweet, bitter paper of my life neat explosive silent vibrance beyond anything I’ve ever seen awkward, confused, flawless notes on a Violin I reach Out to touch His arm, His shoulder as We pass Each other and My feet Go thip-thip- Thip on The speckled tile Of the Hallway, but I’m Afraid that He will explode. So instead I pull away And instantly Regret it. When my wavering Voice finally Brushes his hand And my Shaking words caress His face, He does not Explode, he Simply ripples, as If a Stone were dropped Into the Calm waters of His demeanor Behind the beautiful, Lovely, handsome Mask, he Too roils with The poetic Words that he Cannot descrive So instead he Sets his Bow to his Violin and Transforms his poem Into music One day in The hall Our eyes meet For a Single, perfect, harmonic Second. His Are melty, luxurious Liquid, enveloping Me and pulling Me down Into their depths. My eyes Are probably filled with pain They too reach Out to Take him and Pull him Closer to me My eyes Are deep wells Holding all Of my sorrow Deep within The contact breaks And we Both Move on

sorry it didn't paste in poem form so now it's a paragraph


Because a hug
Can't heal a broken heart
Because a hug
Can't fix a world falling apart
And it's great
In theory
But all it really does
Is give you time to put on
A smile
Pretend that it's okay
Let no one
That you cry anyway
And a hug
Might not be what you need
Instead someone to tell you
That it's okay to cry
And be mad
And let out your whole storm
Because it feels better when it clears

i really like this one because


of people think that hugs fix everything and in fact make me cry more

@Dragoncita group

Most of my poems I write when I'm feeling in a bad mood ._.
Now looking through, I don't really have a lot of happy ones lol

That or the poems I write are about one of my creatures

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It is the color that fills every unoccupied corner. It’s the color that seeps into your mind when you are alone. When you cry, it’s the color that paints your heart. When you laugh, it’s the color that retreats to its cold home in the shadows. It’s the color that seizes control of you when your alone at night and you hear a floorboard creak. It’s the color of the car that passes you on the highway and makes your heart pound. It’s the color of human nature. It’s not the color of purity.


It comes it goes
Will it stay will it go
It’s hard to say you know
Sometimes you’ll sit and twiddle your thumbs
Or sit and bang upon a drum
You’ll try to lick your elbow and nose
Or even try to chew your toes
It sounds disgusting I know
But anything goes
When Boredom strikes
You might pick on the little tikes
You’ll even brake all their bikes
You might read a book or two
Then sit and yell “There’s nothing to do!”
You’ll eat and yell sit, maybe break a chair
But boredom doesn't care
Boredom stays and what does he do
He watches all the things you do
While you holar and twiddle and brake and chew
He looks at the screen, stuck like glue
He’ll turn it off after an hour or two
Then sit and say, “I’ve got nothing to do.

Deleted user

Please excuse how awful it is, okie?

Minor Issues
After you left,
I was upset
Wondering if you'd come back.
Then I realised
You broke your promise