forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Sorry if that's creepy… I hope this makes it worth it…?

Sage, Sage
The beautiful mage
You enchant me with your spells.
I fall into you gaze,
Such a mysterious hue
What's more:
I think
I've fallen
In love
With you


one I wrote in English class today:

Things I wish my teachers knew

I wish my teachers knew
that when I don't raise my hand,
it's not that I'm not
participating. It's that
drawing all attention
to myself
Maybe their version of
needs redefining.

I wish my teachers knew
that when I ask to move seats,
it's not that I want to sit with my friends
(although that would
be nice). It's that
sitting in the middle
of any room
sends me
spiraling into

I wish my teachers knew
that when group projects are assigned,
I'm always the one
that ends up doing all the work
just because
I'm the "smart one".
I always have been.
I always will.

I wish my teachers knew
exactly how stressful doing all the work
is. I have other things I need
to do and it's about fucking itme
that everyone cut me some slack.
I have a life

I wish my teachers (and everyone else) knew
that no, I am not
sad or
mad or
This is my neutral face.
Get fucking used to

I wish my teachers knew
—or rather, understood—
that when I forget to
do the homework or I
can't find the time
for it, it is
I am human.
I am not

I wish my teachers knew
that I'm allowed
to make