forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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one I wrote in English class today:

Things I wish my teachers knew

I wish my teachers knew
that when I don't raise my hand,
it's not that I'm not
participating. It's that
drawing all attention
to myself
Maybe their version of
needs redefining.

I wish my teachers knew
that when I ask to move seats,
it's not that I want to sit with my friends
(although that would
be nice). It's that
sitting in the middle
of any room
sends me
spiraling into

I wish my teachers knew
that when group projects are assigned,
I'm always the one
that ends up doing all the work
just because
I'm the "smart one".
I always have been.
I always will.

I wish my teachers knew
exactly how stressful doing all the work
is. I have other things I need
to do and it's about fucking itme
that everyone cut me some slack.
I have a life

I wish my teachers (and everyone else) knew
that no, I am not
sad or
mad or
This is my neutral face.
Get fucking used to

I wish my teachers knew
—or rather, understood—
that when I forget to
do the homework or I
can't find the time
for it, it is
I am human.
I am not

I wish my teachers knew
that I'm allowed
to make

Well put, I can totally relate xx


To three a.m. dreamers
Who's minds swirl with unsaid, and unfinished, thoughts
You should be sleeping, and so should I
And we know it, we're well aware
The house is silent, except for snores, maybe the occasional shuffling
You tried to sleep
Really, you tried
But there's just so much to be done,
If only you could get up
So here you sit and ponder
Wide awake and dreaming
As the shadows creep, the sun should be up in a few hours
With the rest of the world
Maybe you'll get a bit of sleep tonight
Or maybe not
But it's not like you aren't used to it
((It's actually 12:09 but oh well, have a shitty poem

Deleted user

Hello I got bored

I did not see the knife you concealed within your hand
Blinding me with your proclamations of love
But I never imagined,
That with each one
you'd impel my chest further

In the beginning, there was no anguish,
your love becoming my anodyne
to nourish
every want and
every need

Then your love stopped
you pushed me away
but not before
you pushed
that knife further into my chest

Nights of fear,
night of anguish
I asked myself,
"Why does my heart hurt so?"
My sight blinded to the blade

You returned, to my joy
you weren't
the same
as before

I pleaded with you
"Let me help you!
Carry your every burden."
But you denied my request,
shoving the blade once more

Late that night
My eyes widened at the pain
I saw my chest
with the knife handle sticking through
I cried

I grasped the handle
I ignored the pain
I pulled the blade
and from my heart gushed
My love for you

I did not bother
to stop the bleeding
I let my love pour
and pour
until it dripped upon the floor

I no longer wish to hear your voice,
to see your smile,
to want to hug you in your times of need,
and I just no longer wish
to be near you

Hazy and grey,
the light in my eyes have died
For you see,
my heart
no longer beats for you

Deleted user

To three a.m. dreamers
Who's minds swirl with unsaid, and unfinished, thoughts
You should be sleeping, and so should I
And we know it, we're well aware
The house is silent, except for snores, maybe the occasional shuffling
You tried to sleep
Really, you tried
But there's just so much to be done,
If only you could get up
So here you sit and ponder
Wide awake and dreaming
As the shadows creep, the sun should be up in a few hours
With the rest of the world
Maybe you'll get a bit of sleep tonight
Or maybe not
But it's not like you aren't used to it
((It's actually 12:09 but oh well, have a shitty poem

This is great. This is really, like really beautiful.

Deleted user

Mine isn't that good, but Constance holy shit

"Holy shit" what?

Deleted user

It's so good!

Could you tell me how? Sorry i just like constructive criticism.

Deleted user

Uh, well it's got a lot of feeling, which is important. There's a nice kinda tempo to it too, if you pay attention(I see things in music i guess).

Thank you.

@Dragoncita group

Another one of my pieces
Actually have a name for this one:

Devilish Fool

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Everything I thought about you was lies
You're a psycho, and they all know
You have staid beyond your welcome
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Why'd you come back here
Trust issues, not to mention
Distrust and deceit are your tools
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Throw you away to the depths of hells
Devouring our dreams and hopes
Forced to live with the disasters you have caused
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

You wish you could just fade away
Yet you must live with the things you have done
Forever you are hated and despised
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

How could you turn your back on us
Talk to us, let us breath
You keep doing this evil, coming for us now
You're so damn evil

I'm the devil
I'm a filthy piece of trash
I'm abandoned by all
I'm so damn evil