forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Deleted user

that's really good, Connie

uh thanks

Honey, just accept that you're a freakin good writer and we all love you. ;)

Deleted user

that's really good, Connie

uh thanks

Honey, just accept that you're a freakin good writer and we all love you. ;)

…… o k

Deleted user

Seriously, I love reading your poems!!!

i could pull out an old one if you wanna see it…

Deleted user

"Enslaved To Insanity"

Internally bleeding, she cried out
Echoing within her own mind
No escape
"Suffer" a voice screeched "SUFFER"

Hung, she bled, lips trembling
She chose this
For the inner walls have closed in

Trapped, surrounded, suffering
With nowhere else to run
Her mind scattered amongst the floor
Like marbles released from their prison

A light flickered, but it wasn't enough
The darkness consuming
For even the brightest of light
Will not be able save her from her own mind

Deleted user

More than okay! It's amazing, I cannot believe that someone can write that well! Every time I read something you wrote it just blows me out of the water. When are you going to write a book?

Deleted user

More than okay! It's amazing, I cannot believe that someone can write that well! Every time I read something you wrote it just blows me out of the water. When are you going to write a book?

I'm working on eight….

Deleted user

More than okay! It's amazing, I cannot believe that someone can write that well! Every time I read something you wrote it just blows me out of the water. When are you going to write a book?

I'm working on eight….

When are you going to get them published?!

Deleted user

More than okay! It's amazing, I cannot believe that someone can write that well! Every time I read something you wrote it just blows me out of the water. When are you going to write a book?

I'm working on eight….

When are you going to get them published?!

Ten to twenty years from now if im lucky… I'm only two years in an i havent finished the plot for one…

Deleted user

Alright… i'll make sure to start hurrying the writing process since i have people waiting XD