forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@kittycalyx group

uh here's one i wrote after visiting my family in india in a village called tamenglong

she belongs in the mountains,
inhaling the fresh air
and watching the sunrise
and searching for constellations she cannot name.
she belongs in the mountains,
staring at the thick fog
and roaming through the trees
and tasting the sweet juice of a fresh orange.
she belongs in the mountains,
sitting by the fire
and laughing with her family
and hearing a voice assure, “you belong.”

we went during christmas vacation which was pretty recent but i already wanna go back :(( unfortunately it takes like a full day to go on all the flights and stuff ugh it was EXHAUSTING


It's so heart warming! Here's mine i wrote at three am last night while crying about, well, you can guess.

"My battery is running low, and it's getting dark."
It's alright, you did amazing, darling
We couldn't have gotten this far without you
Go ahead and say goodnight
You've spent your life among the stars
And now it's time for you to join them
Darling, we'll miss you
But you've done so well
Quietly, peacefully, I hope you go
We'll find you someday
And bring you back home
Goodnight, and goodbye, for now

Deleted user

It's so heart warming! Here's mine i wrote at three am last night while crying about, well, you can guess.

"My battery is running low, and it's getting dark."
It's alright, you did amazing, darling
We couldn't have gotten this far without you
Go ahead and say goodnight
You've spent your life among the stars
And now it's time for you to join them
Darling, we'll miss you
But you've done so well
Quietly, peacefully, I hope you go
We'll find you someday
And bring you back home
Goodnight, and goodbye, for now



Another one of my pieces
Actually have a name for this one:

Devilish Fool

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Everything I thought about you was lies
You're a psycho, and they all know
You have staid beyond your welcome
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Why'd you come back here
Trust issues, not to mention
Distrust and deceit are your tools
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

Throw you away to the depths of hells
Devouring our dreams and hopes
Forced to live with the disasters you have caused
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

You wish you could just fade away
Yet you must live with the things you have done
Forever you are hated and despised
You're so damn evil

You're the devil
You're a filthy piece of trash

How could you turn your back on us
Talk to us, let us breath
You keep doing this evil, coming for us now
You're so damn evil

I'm the devil
I'm a filthy piece of trash
I'm abandoned by all
I'm so damn evil

I'm sorry but when I read 'trust issues, not to mention' all I could think about was Heathens XD


just a lil thing I made ages ago

The inside of your brain is lit up like a
But then it seems to be pitch black just like a mental
Prison cell
To escape, you broke the lock and ran but then you
Tripped and fell
And now whether you're alive, asleep or dead nobo
dy can tell
You want to find the key, but you can't help but
Fall asleep
You think you are a goat and yet you act just
Like a sheep
You know you've made a promise, know it's one that you
Can't keep
Oh my, these thoughts I think are just a little
Bit too deep

personal and I was scared so this won't make sense

Life or
But for what?
But for what?
I'm a tiger
I'm a lion
Shade and sun
Shade and sun
Ah, that hurts
The heart of this
Has no face
It has my face
It has your face
Help me
Help me
I'm a lion
Help me

frustrated, helpless

Decided, I've decided
We've all decided
The question is, was there ever a choice?
Questions, more questions
Shooting questions at me with your mouth
Your eyes
Your tongue
Your book
Lips speaking curses, more curses
And that makes my blessing that much sweeter
Lying doesn't matter anyway, we're all going to die
Doesn't really matter how or when
But were
in the first place?
It's coming, look
Down on the tops of our heads, LOOK
Just look up!
Why can't we ever look up?

Lastly this was back when I was just starting to try to put pen to paper so it's not trying to be all poetic, just make me feel a little bit better

Eyes fixed on the ground
Can't ignore this, this, this feeling
It's in my chest
Near my heart.
Where my heart wants to be
But my heart's in my stomach
That's why I've goat a bad feeling in my stomach.
My heart's bad
This aching core, molten lava
it wants to get out
It's writhing, struggling
Gnashing its teeth inside me
Til I bleed
Bleed out on the ground
Bleeding through my eyes
Bloody tears
Can't stop bleeding
And bleeding


have a haiku i wrote on a denny's kids menu at midnight a while back, keep in mind i've written a haiku exactly once before and struggled so hard

I really like eggs
This is a haiku for you
Go eat at Denny's


have a haiku i wrote on a denny's kids menu at midnight a while back, keep in mind i've written a haiku exactly once before and struggled so hard

I really like eggs
This is a haiku for you
Go eat at Denny's


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Randommmmmmmmmmm thing


In a year, I had changed
I went from an annoying shy child
To a welcoming idealistic teen

I discovered myself, and who I really am
I abandoned the roles I was forced into
but it seems like yesterday

Within a year, I found love
I lost that love
And I gained another back

But you see,
Love poses more problems
then solutions

I gained people
Who I called best friends
but in the end, those people can never stay

I miss the days
that we would laugh
and act like children all day

Within a year, one went to college
Within a year, another became my lover
And within a year, the others disappeared

Life rose, life fell
Changed religions, changed sexualities
but nonetheless: I am me

Lonliness to attention
back to the way it was before
but that is how life is

Within a year, I will be a new person
have a new face
and see life another way

Within a few years, I may be dead
living somewhere else or perhaps
engaged to be married

Life goes on
Years go on
yet it's terrifying

Deleted user

idk what it was but your poem just like. i can't explain it well but it's really good? i love it so much?

thank you?