forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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She's got stardust in her lungs
And dragon blood in her veins
When she howls at the moon
The wolves respond in kind
She is terrifying, and beautiful
And she will love you with a passion
But she does not need you
And you'd do well to remember that
She decided you were worthy
Of her attention
So cherish it, and her
Because if she leaves,
It will be with all the fury of a storm at sea
And you'll find yourself a shipwreck
At the bottom of the ocean

Deleted user

I got bored.
Enjoy this late night bs.

Ballad Of The Tempest

Cold beating heartbeat,
Frozen in my chest.

Selfish, do you not understand?
Deciteful. It's on my own hands.

Pushing and pushing
But an answer couldn't be found.

Quiet and still
The internal crying, risen with the cruel tide

Winds rising, breaths quicken
The echoes hidden deep below ride along the waves

A sorrowful crying, the rushing of a heartbeat.

"Can't you see?" Tears welling.
"Run, run as far as you can!"

Steadfast, not a single movement followed.
The air was still, aside from the rising storm.

Swirling, churning, violent waves.
Cracking, thundering, skies above.

A sorrowful whisper, hidden within the dead of night. *
*Fearful, afraid, lost, lonely.

But as the waves came crashing to the shore,
the violent nature churning from the storm,

The Earth did not flee,
From the Ocean he cannot live without.

Deleted user

late night poems are the best, and i love this one!

Thanks… i guess

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Can it be more lonely
Than this?
There is nothing around me, not
Even another life form.
What am I in all this? An
Insignificant girl.
But I blink, and then
I'm surrounded by blooming
Colors that surround me.
The darkness is replaced with the light
And it's beauty
Overwhelms me.
The cold has become warm and it is
To good to truly exist.
But yet it does
And I no longer feel