forum poetry sharing!!
Started by @croccin-champagne

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hey guys I've already shared this poem somewhere else so there's no harm in doing it again :)

Kinda – By Tiani Mdhlongwa

In the morning I don’t want to get out of bed,

I can’t hold information inside my head,

I’m feeling fatigued and kinda down,

Oh look, in the mirror I seem kinda round.

Today school was kinda boring,

I almost, almost started snoring,

I can’t really remember what happened,

But does it really matter in the end?

I feel kinda unappreciated,

Being home makes me agitated,

I want to get out, I’m suffocating,

Food is kinda nauseating.

I’ve gained some weight, and lost my sanity,

Maybe I can find answers in Christianity,

I feel no better but I can’t judge,

The way god works, can’t hold a grudge.

I have no motivation to do simple tasks,

I think I need help but I’m too afraid to ask,

Never complain because someone has it worse

The things I say I wish I could reverse

I don’t want to feel weak, only want to be strong,

But if I’m just hiding, I’ve been weak all along

I’m kinda scared and kinda frustrated,

Every moment of life I’ve hated.

Has lead me to think i don’t want to be here,

What damage would it do if I were to disappear,

I guess my mum would be kinda sad,

But everything here is driving me mad.

Self harming isn’t for me, it leaves too many scars,

My scars and hidden, locked behind bars,

Suicide seems cowardly and i don’t want to leave with a bang,

And couldn’t bear to just leave my body to hang.

So ill stick through it even though im fat,

And kinda annoying, and not easy to look at,

Kinda loud, kinda confusing

To you this may seem kinda amusing

But if you were to ask me if i want to be alive I’d reply


It's a poem about all of the struggles I've gone through in the past 2-3 years and I wrote it after crying my eyes out for the first time since primary school (2 years before) and I honestly don't remember the thought process all I remember was sitting there with this poem in front of me and realising I was in such a negative cycle.

Deleted user

Oh my goodness… please tell me you're doing much better now!


I guess I am, I'm still depressed and get suicidal thoughts but I don't hate myself as much as I used to. My parents know a section of my thoughts but they haven't been much help. I am however making something out of what's left of my life and I'm slowly getting back into my old hobbies such as writing. Creating an account on this website has been a big step for me, perhaps not to recovery but definitely towards a better me.

Deleted user

Do you wanna talk about it? you can message me if you'd like

I'm alright, I think.
Talking hasn't helped me.


honestly, it didn't help me either at first and it still doesn't but I find it's nice to have a distraction so if you ever want to talk about literally anything whether it my an existential crisis or what you had for lunch I'm always here


hey, tiani, i read that one of yours on another discussion and its still one of my favorites. i hope you're doing okay, and that today finds you in good health!

Deleted user

Tiani, we're all here to help, alright? You have to believe in your heart that you're beautiful. I can tell you that it's honestly the first step. DM me if you need anyone to talk to.


Tiani yours is my favorite after reading all of these…(Dragoncita's mirror one is second) I really like the last two lines, I can relate, I'm really really glad you're feeling better because that is not where you want to be at all.
Camie please do white!!

@Toxic_Persephone group

Hey y’all, y’all are beautiful human beings and I say love yourself because I know how hard it is to do that and how hard it is to tell yourself you’re not good enough everyday.

Just gunna place this here too

Have you ever hated,
the company of yourself
when inside of an empty room?

Have you ever felt
like never getting up
ever again from your bed?

How long did it take
for you to get enough courage
to speak up for yourself?

Who harms you the most?
Is it your own mind?
Could it be yourself?

No. It’s this monster inside.
It takes control,
it rips me apart.

I can hardly wait,
for the day you see
that it’s not me

Its not me saying these things
and it’s not me thinking this way

It’s the monster inside

EDIT: Poetry by me, @I’m Quality Trash T^T


5. small handfuls. The pills are starting to work.
4. and more lines on your wrist. The pain isn't new, it's been there for a while.
3. rough drafts. How do you write something like this? It's not like you've done it before.
2. goodbyes. One to the people you love. One to the people that caused this.
1. life. Don't give it up. There's no receipt for this.
Life is short. Keep it.

it's not super good, but i wrote it after a good friend of mine attempted suicide the first time

Deleted user

Camie please do white!!

It’s the color that you sense when you open the first pages of the photo book that’s sat on your shelf since you were eight. It numbs you as you turn the pages of memories. It’s the color of your tears as you remember the bliss. When the pages become wet, it’s the color that washes over you, returning the childhood innocence you once had. It’s not the color you’ve become.

(Here you are! I really want to edit this)